Chapter 6 - Two Years

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Rosie's POV

I woke with a start, sitting up abruptly in bed. I put my hand to my racing heart, and turn to look at the clock. It read 2:42am. I flop back down on my feather pillow, breathing deeply in attempt to get my heart rate back to normal. I still had nightmares about that day, even though it was two years ago. I thought they had stopped a while ago, this is the first one I've had in months. I can't believe that was two whole years ago. Two years. I sit back up quickly and look at my phone. "August 16th..." I mutter to myself. I quickly unlock my phone and call Jack. He and I decided that day two years ago to wait on being a couple. It wasn't a good time. Still, he's my best friend. I can go to him for anything. "Pick up.. Pick up..." I whisper. "Hello?" His groggy voice answers. "Hey Jack, sorry to wake you," I say quickly. "No it's fine, what's up?" He asks, I notice he seems more alert due to my shaky voice. "Can we meet in the park?" I beg him. I hear him move his blankets off of him and get up. "Be there in 5," he says. "Thanks, Jack. See you in a few," and with that, I hang up. I quickly throw on a tank top and sweat pants, grab my phone and walk out the door. I tip toe by my parents' room, then by Jerry's room. I slide down the railing and open the door, shutting it softly. I walk in silence to the park halfway in between mine and Jack's house. All I can hear is the sound of my footsteps and my steady breathing. Those five words echo in my head over and over again:

I'll be back for you

What did he mean by that? I don't know. All I know is I might find out today. Two years. As I approach the park I see Jack's silhouette on one of the swings. I walk up to the swing next to his and sit down. "So what's up? You sounded a little panicky on the phone," Jack asks. I sigh. "It's August 16th," is all I say. Jack sits quietly, obviously not realizing my problem with today. "Meaning yesterday was the 15th... Yesterday was two years since.. *he* went to prison," I continue. I couldn't even say his name. Thankfully, Jack knew who I was talking about. "And..?" He wills me to continue. "Do you know how long his sentence was, Jack?" I question, to which I get a shrug and a confused face in return. "Two years. Do you know what that means?" I question again, leaning towards him a little bit. "He got out yesterday," Jack finally catches on. I never told Jack what *he* said to me that day. Not even about the nightmares that I had for months afterwards. "Come here," Jack says, patting his lap. I stand up and sit down on Jack's lap with my legs around his waist so I'm facing him. I feel him wrap his strong arms around my back. "I don't want you to worry," he mumbles, pressing his forehead to mine. I move my hand down, lifting his shirt up just enough for me to run a hand over the scar, just above his hip. "I can't help it," I whisper back, closing my eyes. "I'm not gonna let him get near you ever again, okay? I promise," he says, and I look down to my lap. "Hey," he lifts my chin so we make eye contact. "Have I ever broken a promise before?" He cracks a smile, and I can't help but smile too. "C'mon, lets go for a walk," he says, lifting my waist up slightly for me to stand. "Now?" I ask. That's random. "Why not? It's a beautiful night, and we're already out here," he explains, taking my hand and beginning to walk. We walk down to the main part of town, where all the buildings are. I read that it's 3:15, but I don't care. I love being with Jack. However, many times during our walk, I could swear I hear footsteps behind me. "You're just paranoid," Jack would say every time I looked behind us. "Hey, I'll race you to that building," Jack challenges, motioning to a building about 100 feet ahead of us, next to an alley. "Oh, you're on, Brewer." I run as fast as I can, but once I see that Jack had already reached the building, and I'm about 25 feet away, I stop. "Hey! Give me a break, it's 3 am!" I call, slowly walking and breathing heavily. Jack throws his head back in laughter, squinting his eyes, when suddenly a pair of hands reaches from the alley and pulls Jack out of my view, into the darkness. "Jack!" I scream, running at full force into the alley. I turn the corner and stop abruptly at the sight I see.



I'm totally screwing with you guys that not the end MUAHAHAHAHA


There stands Max himself with Jack in a headlock, a gun pressed to his head. Jack's hands pull at Max's arm around his neck, prying as hard as they can to allow him to breathe. Two men dressed in black stand in back of Max. "Hey Princess, I told you I'd be back."

Jack's POV

I laugh manically as I run towards the building, beating Rosie by a landslide. Once I reach the alley, I stop and turn around to see Rosie about 30 feet behind me. "Give me a break, it's 3am!" She calls to me. I toss my head back in laughter, but my laughter soon stops when a hand clamps over my mouth, pulling me into the darkness. "Jack!" I hear Rosie call. No! She shouldn't come over here! It's dangerous. I feel something cold and round press to my head as I try to pry the arm from around my neck. Oh no. It couldn't be.... Rosie runs around the corner, stopping when she sees the scene unfolding. "Hey Princess, I told you I'd be back," the man sneers. That voice. I know that voice. I would know it for the rest of my life. Max. I continue to pull at Max's arm, but I can't do anything as long as he has a weapon. "Now I want to make a deal with you, princess," he says to Rosie. "Don't call her that," I say with as much power as I could muster with my constricted throat. "Shut up!" Max roars, pushing the gun harder into my head. "Now," he begins again, turning back to Rosie. "Here's what you need to do, go over to our friend over there," he motions to one of the men standing behind him. "And listen to him. Don't struggle, or this could end badly for Lover Boy over here." "Rosie, run," I say, begging her with my eyes to not go with him. I watch in horror as she goes over to the man, allowing him to turn her around and yank her hands behind her back. He pulls a rope from his pocket, wrapping it around her wrists tightly. She squints her eyes in pain, causing a tear to fall. "STOP YOU'RE HURTING HER!" I scream, making Max press the gun against my temple so hard it aches. He leads me over to the darkest corner of the alley, behind a dumpster. He turns me around, never letting the gun leave my head, and pushes me against a pole. My head hits against it, making black dots spot across my vision. My head drops as he pulls my hands behind my back and around the pole, tying them tightly there. I lift my head again to see the man standing there, securely holding Rosie's tied wrists, with duct tape across her mouth. "You're a monster," I spit at Max, who stopped in front of me. He mocks hurt, then says, "Oh, I'm not that bad. I'll even make sure little Rosie's last memory of you is real special." The man pulls Rosie along so she's over to the side of me, we make eye contact. *It'll be okay,* I mouth to her, and she nods slightly. Max pulls a knife from his pocket and flicks it open. "Okay, let me make this something for her to remember you by, because she'll never see you again," he smiles evilly. He slides the blade over my stomach, cutting through my thin shirt and leaving a 5 inch long gash across my skin. I bite my lip and hunch over, trying my best not to scream. This pain was worse than any other pain I've ever felt. It's hot and cold at the same time. I feel blood trickle from it, all the way down my stomach, staining my shirt red. "You're sick," I choke out. "What's that?" Max leans forward, putting a hand to his ear. "That didn't hurt? Well what about this," he punches me in the mouth, making me toss my head to the side. The metal taste fills my mouth. "Or this?" He slices my cheek with the knife. Tears fall freely from my eyes, making the cuts sting more. "Mmmpphhh!" Rosie tries to scream, struggling against her captor. "We better get going," his friend tells him, and for a second I'm grateful, until I realize something. "We" includes Rosie. They're taking her. I start to get dizzy, the smell of blood making me feel woozy. "You'll never get away with this," I seethe, trying to ignore the pain it caused. "Stupid boy," Max growls, ripping off a piece of duct tape. My world gets darker and darker and I take one last look at Rosie. Max presses the tape over my mouth and just as my eyes shut, he says "I already have."


Okay, this is the REAL end of this chapter! I swear it is hahahah:P so what did you all think?! I thought this chapter was pretty intense so COMMENT YOUR THOUGHTS! Max kidnapped Rosie! 😳 And who's gonna find Jack!? OH THE SUSPENSE! Wait, I know what gonna happen... HAHA YOU GUYS HAVE TO WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER! Kidding:P maybe if you comment, chapter 7 will be up sooner! So yeah, hope you liked it, COMMENT AND VOTE! And I will talk to all you lovely people next time👋

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