Returning... Home?

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A few weeks had passed by, Adam and Alesa came everyday. They had different people with them everytime. A quiet guy with glasses and mudblonde hair, named Ross. A bald guy with a brown beard and a funny voice, named Barney. And countless other people. Adam would sometimes have his camera with him, and we would both vlog together.

I meet a lot of new people, but Adam still hadn't told me about Team Crafted. I spend my days getting help from the nurses, trying to get my strength back. I started walking a tiny bit after two weeks, but it was terribly hard to keep my balance. And finally after two months I could return home. I could walk just a bit with crutches, and I could use my hands almost like normal. I hadn't heard from Nova, Caleb, Chris, Roderick, Willow nor Cale. I asked Adam about it, who told me they used to visit me, but they just kind of stopped visiting.

"Well? Are you ready?" The nurse asked standing in the doorway.
"As ready as I can ever be..." I said placing the last drawing book in my bag, and closing it up.
"I understand how odd it must be..." She said with a monotone voice, as I walked to her. I simply smiled to her, and walked past her with my crutches. She carried my bag all the way down to the waiting area. Adam and Alesa were waiting for me there and Adam took the bag. I smiled and waved to the nurse, who waved back and smiled.

Alesa helped me into the car and we were on our way. I had expected we were going back to our old house, I had expected the rest of Team Crafted would be waiting there for us. But we drove to another side of town, we past Willow's house and I could see her younger brother. He looked like himself. As we stopped outside of a white house with big windows. As Adam parked I could hear dogs barking from inside.
"We have dogs yes." Adam answered my unasked question.
"What about Flare?" I asked, Adam frowned slightly.
"S-She was hit by a car, a few months after you were put into the hospital." Adam said, and I nodded.
"I see..." I trailed off and began to fiddle with my crutches. As I stepped out of the car and "waddled" to the front door, and Alesa opened the door; I heard a bunch of kids playing around the the houses next to us. They were all screaming and laughing. I smiled to myself and walked inside. I was meet with three dogs running towards me. Adam swiftly blocked the way and held them back. They all seemed friendly and was barking with exictment. I sat down on a chair and nodded to Adam. He let them go and the three of them bolted towards me, they licked my hands and sniffed to my legs. I grinned by the reaction I got from them.
"They are so sweet!" I smiled and pet both of them. They soon began to walked around, tail wagging and panting.
"Their names are: Rascal, Milton and Bailey!" Alesa smiled and put Mason into a small white babycrib.
"Wanna see your room?" Adam asked, and I nodded and followed Adam walking with my crutches. I was lead to a room with a white door, and a small sign saying: Karen The Tiger." I grinned and Adam opened the door for me.

One side of walls were one big closet, a fullsized Mirror was hanging between the closet and my bed. Otherwise it looked just like my old room, the same bed, the same crystals infront of my window, the same table next to my bed, and the same desk. But my computer was not there...
I blinked confused for a bit, but suddenly noticed a PC on my bed.
"I've taken your old computer to the offices, you have gotten your own office." Adam smiled before continueing."You'll have to do with that for now."
"Okay I got it..." I walked to my bed and sat down. "Now tell me... What happened with Team Crafted...?"
Adam sighed and smiled.
"We desided to just... We are still friends don't get me wrong! But... We just grew apart..." Adam smiled. "That happens sometimes..."
"I see..." I smiled and sighed looking out my window.
"I'll leave you be if you want to." Adam smiled and turned to leave.
"Okay." I smiled looking the walls; The crystal were casting all sorts of beautiful lights on the wall.
I opened the PC and opened Skype. I was overwhelmed with atleast 50 messages from everyone.
I couldn't get myself to read them, I just closed Skype and opened Google Chrome. I logged into Youtube, and saw that Adam had kept my Channel up with updates about my health and other things. I smiled and watched the videos untill Adam called me to go get dinner...

My Brother's Love (Skydoesminecraft fanfic)(Sequel to My Sister's Love)Where stories live. Discover now