The Vampire Prince And Me. Chapter Four.

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Lucas eyes widen and he stared at Xavienna with a shocking look at he pressed himself up from the desk. He pointed at his right ear, "I'm sorry, did I hear you right? Did you just say one of King Alderic precious daughters was just...kidnapped?",

Xavienna nervously nodded her head, "Yes.",

"Oh my Lord, Savanna!", Lucas yelled as he smacked the blue folder off his desk with such force, it made me jump a little. "Why are you here then! Shouldn't you have told them?",

"I can't!", she stubbornly said as she made a fist with her hands on each side of her. "I'm scared and I need to get Sarafina back before anything happens to her! Goddess, something could have already if I was out for a week! Lucas, I'm scared for her! Samuel wants to marry her so he could be in the family and become King. Do you know what could happen if a Dark becomes king?",

"Of course I do!", he said, "But Savanna-",

"It's Xavienna!", she yelled at him.

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Why would you come here?",

"I was kind of'll help me.",

Lucas stared at her with a blank look for a few moments, than he started chuckling, "Me? You want my help?",

She nodded, "Yes. I was kind of hoping you'll help me find her before anyone realized she gone. Sarafina was the shy type and didn't have much friends and her siblings are never around since they have their own lives and King Alderic and Queen Angelina are gone for the month on business. I need to get her back before-",

Lucas turned serious as he shook his head, "No.",

"No?", she said in disbelief.

He shrugged his shoulders, "No.",

"Why the heck not!", she yelled at him. "Lucas, please! Wilhelm, he's-", her eyes watered up, "He's-he's dead. Samuel killed him.". Tears went down her face and she quickly wiped them away. "I have no one else. Please! Sarafina is only fifteen! She can't be married and she wouldn't know what to do after since Samuel is a bad person. He could be making her do thing she doesn't want to do. It makes my stomach turn!", she said angrily as she hit the desk with her fist.

"You know what I can tell you?", Lucas said, pursing his lips at her. "Go tell the King and Queen so they can handle this-",

"Have you not been listening to me! I can't since they're away and I don't know where. Only Wilhelm knew and he never told me! Even, she was my responsibilities! I have to find her! She was kidnapped because I could protect her!",

"But how can I help?", he yelled. "I'm a vampire! I can't trace her scent.",

"But your strong and powerful! I can't fight Samuel off, but you can! If I find them, will you help me get her back at least?", she asked, giving him pleading eyes.

Lucas didn't speak for a moment before shaking his head, "I'm sorry, Savan-Xavienna. I can't.",

"Why not?", she asked.

"Cause, Sarafina isn't one of my people! I can't get into this or I'll get into trouble.",

"Lucas, this is Sarafina! She's a princess! It's a different story if it's her.",

Again, he shook his head, "No, I can't. I can't get evolved. I can't bring that kind of danger around Dorinda or my home.",

Okay, I get where he's going, but this is a young girl were talking about! I can't just sit around knowing a fifteen year old girl is in some kind of helpless state. Before Xavienna could speak, I stepped forward, "Lucas, you have to help.",

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