Izaya x Reader (Boredom and kisses!)

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You sigh as you were sprawled on a rather very expensive leather couch, with a remote in hand, flipping through channels, bored with nothing, you turn off the t.v and you sighed looking at the empty apartment of your boyfriend,

Orihara Izaya, yup, the same one who screws people's life up for fun and have a angry bartender chasing him around and have a oh-so-sorry smirk plastered on his face.

He claimed you to be his favorite human, yup, he says that he loves all humanity but you are his human, despite the cunning crazy izaya everybody know him and he was, izaya was very kind and caring towards you, hard to believe right? But it was true,

Then your phone beeps, breaking you out of thoughts, you open it to see it was a message from izaya,

Hello! How's my favorite human doing today? (*^ω^*) sorry I will be late, shiki-san gave me too much work (╥_╥)

Hi, nothing much just being bored >.<

Awww is my dear y/n chan missing me already? ↖(^▽^)↗

As if!! I never said that >.>

So y/n chan doesn't wub me? (ಥ_ಥ)

Eh? You start to feel a little guilty at seeing his text, "no I didn't mean that I know he can be annoying as hell call me crazy I do love him"


Um no that's not what I meant.....


Hmm? Does that mean my y/n wubs me so much! That she'll be bored whenever I am not there? <(‾︶‾)>

You giggle at his childishness, "moron I do love you" you say

"aww, I am touched" a voice whispers in your ear as a pair of arms wrap around your waist pulling you into their lap,

"why are you here? I thought you had work" you pout, arms crossed,

Izaya lightly kissed the back of your neck, making you blush,

"I decided to come back, cause my dear was bored, didn't you miss me?" he said trailing kisses on the back of your neck,

"N-no i d-didn't" you stuttered because of his actions, and you tried to escape but his grip on was too strong, his right hand let of you and made it's way up your chin, he turned your face towards him and kissed you gentle at first then gets rougher, nibbling at your bottom lip asking for entrance, when you didn't comply, he pulled to closer to himself, you gasp

He smirks and focred his tongue in your mouth exploring the wet cavern, making you moan out in pleasure by the actions of his wet muscle, you decided to give up and warp your arms around his neck depening the kiss, you swear you felt him smirk against your lips, getting a little bolder you slipped your tongue in mouth, he let you explore his mouth before taking control of the kiss again, as your tongues dance for dominance, which of course he was winninng,

You both pulled away panting heavily as a string of saliva connecting you both.

"are you sure you didn't miss me?" izaya says giving you his trademark smirk.

You grinned at him,

"maybe getting bored wasn't so bad after all".

As you pulled him for another round~!

First time writing a kiss scene >.< I feel like a perv now

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