Seigen x Yukari (A little bit of love)

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Chapter Three: A little bit of love.

Humming a tone to herself yukari checked the list she prepared of the items they needed back at home. at the moment she was doing grocery shopping for the week and wondering what she might make for dinner, she was in a joyous mood unlike a certain someone with her who was with her. yeah, you heard right. Her ex husband, seigan was accompanying her in this little trip to the store.

now that he wasn't a member of the twelve guardians, he had more time to spend with his family. seigan will mostly be researching spells or might spar with rokuro or train mayura. however, with both of them gone to tsuchimikado island, he got more time available to himself. it just so happens that yukari was going out to grocery shopping and asked if he liked to tag along.

Though Seigan was nowhere weak, he could still easily destroy impurities however the lack of one arm can be deadly if against a basara level impurity. But told by that demon fox arima to rest up and leave the rest to the new generation though seigen was completely against the idea of children fighting the battles which the adults created. Seigan did take up the head exorcist's offer to rest.

After seigan no longer being the head of the amawaka house, he moved back into with his ex wife. She didn't ask anything about his sudden appearance or his missing still welcomed him back with a gentle smile. Seigan knew that she was curious, he knew that she prays everyday for his safety. when he was in the hospital after the fight with his idiot pupil no.2. She came into the emergency room, held his hand and cried her heart out to him, even though he was awake since all those trainings he went through to prevent getting attacked in his sleep but he didn't dare open his eyes as he knew that the last thing his ex wife needed was to let him see her cry.

She has always been a cheerful and supportive companion to him and well ... a bit scary sometimes. Seigan was watching yukari confused between the vegetables with an adorable pout on her face he suspected that she still hasn't figured out what she'll be cooking.

Guess he spaced out a bit as yukari was looking at with a little smirk on her face, she probably caught him gazing at her.

Yukari squirted shampoo on her hand from the bottle and started massaging it on her ex-husband's scalp, who was just casually leaning back in the bathtub so his ex wife could have easy access to his hair.

"Your hair are so silky seigen, much more than mine. I am jealous" yukari said slipping her fingers through seigan's long hair.

"Hah? Jealous? After throwing a tantrum when I was going to have it cut?" Seigan said remembering the scene.

Seigan always kept his hair short, That is before meeting yukari. Because afterwards it became a taboo for Seigan to have his hair cut. Despite not really paying much attention to them Seigan had beautiful tripled coloured hair, you could say thanks to the amawaka genes.

"No way! It'll be such a waste to cut such pretty hair! I could just slip my fingers through them all day long~" yukari said happily as he washed the shampoo out of her ex husband's hair.

"Fine, whatever" seigan sighed. He knew there was no point in starting an argument since his ex wife will win anyways, if she doesn't, she'll still win.

"Are you done yet?" Seigen asked his ex wife who still wasn't ready to go home. His gaze fell upon a couple of high schoolers who were there, judging by the way they were talking the boy was a bit shy and the girl was having fun teasing him to which he was telling her to stop.

"They look cute, don't they?" Yukari said smiling.

"Hah? Brats should be studying not playing around" seigen said though it's nothing new for him to see random high school lovebirds here and there but for some reason this particular couple was ticking him off, he couldn't pin point his finger at it but they looked oddly familiar.

"Aw, you're always like that, I feel bad for mayura's boyfriend already" yukari sighed.

"She won't be getting one" Seigan has in a as a matter of fact voice.

"Eh~? I don't know maybe she already found one already~ you know that cute red haired boy? They seemed close" yukari said she knew her ex-husband is an overprotective father, that's why he didn't let her become a exorcisr from the start because he wanted to keep her away from that life and his family.

"Stop watching all those k-dramas, shimon and mayura are nothing more than training partners" Seigan declared. Ah so that's why that high school couple was irritating him because maybe they look similar to mayura and Shimo- no his ex-wife's words were getting to him.

"Well if you say so, though don't say I didn't warn you if something happens~" yukari said winking at her ex-husband.

As yukari was finally done the ex-couple left to their home. Apparently before leaving the store they bumped into the seika dorm crew. Who ended up carrying their stuff as well since no one has the guts to say no to Seigan.

As walking back yukari was holding on to seigan's left hand while humming the tone from before, Seigan couldn't help but think how lucky he was to have yukari. Seigan brought yukari's hand up to his lips and gently kissed it. Though he didn't look, seigen knew his ex-wife would be blushing the same colour of tomatoes she spent so much time to buy. A little bit of love doesn't hurt now does it? It was his turn to smirk now.

Seigan had trained shimon when he was younger, so he knew the boy had a purpose for being an exorcist, just like Seigan did before shimon also thinks that he doesn't need friends or a companion and as mayura had a crush on that twerp so the chances of them were low, it wasn't like the whole community was shipping them or anything.

Meanwhile on a deserted island the young coupl- I meant training partners simultaneously felt a chill down their spine.

Author's Note:

Well~ here's another one (^.^)

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