Hanamiya Makoto

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KNB After Sex Talks (N11)

Warning: short and pervy.

Sex with Hanamiya was nothing like you've imagined: he'd been rough and vocal, but didn't leave you feeling gross and filthy.

Pulling hair, pinning down your wrists above your head, he was into all of that and so were you after a couple of moments. By the end, it had become a battle with Hanamiya, the "who's going to last longer" one, and you've accepted defeat this time round.

He lays across the whole length of the bed with his arms spread open. Your head is resting on his arm as you both keep on catching breath.

"I'm going into the shower first." You announce and sit upright, but in a blink of an eye, he pushes you back onto the mattress.

He wearily crawls over to cage your body underneath his own. An amused, yet smug grin stretches across his lips.

"Who said you could go?" He scoffs and lowers himself so that your chests align. "I want to play some more."

Taken aback, you can only watch him give himself an authority to extend what's been finished.

"You lost the game, I want the prize now." He talks in an unfamiliar tone.

"Alright," you relax and throw your arms on his shoulders. "What will be your prize of choice?" You quizz in just an unfamiliar tone.

Hanamiya draws his attention elsewhere, as if looking for inspiration, as if he doesn't know that you know he will ask for oral. But not today, Hanamiya, not today.

As the devilish smile returns and his eyes are now fixed on you again, identifying that the answer's ready to be delivered, you say in a mocking voice:

"You may choose the prize from a three-star category."

His face shifts from self-satisfied to annoyed. He raises a brow, curving his mouth downwards.

"You're giving me three stars today? What a bitch."

"Two and a half." You continue to tease, trying not to burst into a fit of laughter.

"You're going to trade with me now? Watch who you're messing with." He says and, simultaneously, grasps the back of your thigh with enough force to make it sting a little.

You squeal and pull the back of his head by the locks of his hair, notifying that you do not enjoy being groped.

"I will let go if you will." You tell him firmly. His head moves ever so slightly, but enough to understand that he's trying to nod in agreement.

"You're really a five year old, aren't you? On one, two ..three."

But neither of you let go.

"Good news for you. We're both five and you don't come off as a pedo." You laugh and release his hair, he cracks a smile and gently shifts from clenching your thigh to stroking it.

He brings his face close to yours and playfully licks the shell of your ear, then whispers lustfully: "I lasted longer once again. You owe me two wins now."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2016 ⏰

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