Capture the flag

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We were all ready for the game to start, our plan was that me, and two other cabins would stay and guard the flag, whilst one other would patrol the Forrest and take out anyone who was to close to where our flag was hidden. We all hid in the trees so we had an advantage of higher ground.
The remaining two cabins would go and search for the blue flag. We all knew what we needed to do and where we needed to be, all we were waiting for was the horn that would signal the beginning of the game.

Just then the sound of the horn blew through the Forrest, everyone darted off in every direction getting ready to play.
The roar of the monsters being released made my heart beat a little faster, they were nothing I couldn't handle though, we trained everyday all summer on how to deal with them. In most cases you simply had to cut off its head or stab its heart.
A few kinds though, such as giants could only be killed by the Olympians.

We were all on alert for any upcoming camp mates or monsters. After a few minutes I heard the sound of an upcoming monster, I made a hand gesture in the direction it was to my teammates. The monsters were all practically blind so they purely relied on there sense of hearing and smell.
We all got ready to take it on, it sounded large so it most likely was a minator.
I pulled out my nail file turning it into its sword form just as a very angry minator came charging towards us.
There were thirteen of us against one monster, easy. We didn't even need to all be there.
A few of us had taken out the minator single handed or with a few friends before.
I had killed it twice, once alone and once with Percy and Annabeth.
There was only one of each monster, after it was killed it would simply be reborn some other time. It was very frustrating, Hades just enjoyed annoying all of us. He was probably the only god who didn't like me much. He still was nicer to me than the others though, even Hades had a soft spot.

Me, being a child of one of the big three, attracted more monsters to me. I had a more rare, and recognisable sent apparently, that's how the monsters always found me. It was soooo annoying.
The minator looked at us all then came charging straight towards me.
What a surprise! Not.

I sighed and waited until it was a few feet in front of me, I could feel everyone staring at me like I had some sort of suicidal wish but I knew how to handel this thing so I ignored them. When it was close enough I jumped over it, stabbing it with my sword in the process. Instantly, it turned to dust and blew away in the wind.
All the gods were congratulating me whilst trying to get Hera to breath normally again. She's doesn't like to see me fight monsters.
I lowered my sword and looked at my reflection in the blade. I still looked amazing like always.

"Wow!" Said one of the Apollo boys.

"That was sick!" Said another.

"Where did you learn to do that?!" One of the Hera girls exclaimed.

I smiled and looked at my feet as I felt myself blush.
In truth, I had watched the Cullen's fight training. It was very useful as I picked up many new moves and tactics from Jasper.

"Some old friends" I said simply, turning my attention back to the game.

I guessed they all sensed my hesitance towards talking about it so decided not to ask anything else even though I could tell they wanted to.
I still can't believe that just a week ago, I though my life was perfect. I though I had a loving boyfriend.
A loving family. Loving brothers and sisters.
Apparently not.
Lies. All lies.
Oh well, I know the truth now. I hate the Cullen's.

I was abruptly pulled from my thoughts by a group of twelve blue teammates jumping down from the trees around us. We were surrounded, great!
We had one extra teem mate though, one person might be the difference between winning and loosing. To win, as we obviously couldn't kill our camp mates, we just had to disarm them.
They all leapt towards us at the same time, catching half of us of guard. I managed to jump out the way just in time as well as a few of my teammates.
I spun around as my sword clawed with one of the Poseidon girls. She looked week and frail but I knew otherwise, she was an amazing fighter but after a few minutes I managed to disarm her. She quickly retreated with a few of her teammates to the tree line. I saw there were still three pairs fighting each other and decided to watch.
Everyone was laughing and cheering but it was abruptly cut off by a ear piercing shriek.

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