The New Girl (chapter 1) first day

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Daniel was running. He knew he was trying to get away from someone but he didn't know who. Wind whipped at his face as he ran faster and faster through the dark gloomy forest, his long legs eating up the ground as he went. Looking behind him for a glance of what he was running from, he tripped over a large tree root and fell flat on his face.

He looked up,his face covered with dirt and saw bare feet walking towards him. He tried to get up,to start running again. But he found he couldn't move. I'm going to die he thought. In this dark and gloomy forest where no one will hear me. The feet approached him and stopped right in front of him. Small, soft hands gripped his wrists, and he closed his eyes. The hands pulled him to his feet, and when he opened his eyes he was starring at the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.

"Daniel, honey time to get up its your first day of school. I don't want you to be late!"

Daniel awoke from the dream to the sound of his mums voice. It had been the same dream every night now for two months. Me running then the mystery girl helping me up and her eyes.the gorgeous electric blue eyes that felt like they were looking into his soul. He grudgingly got up and walked to the adjoining bathroom. He showered and changed and tried to put the thoughts of the girl out of his head. First day of school, first day of bring a senior. Lets hope I survive till graduation he thought.

Daniel had hitched a ride to school with his friend Jordan who played football with him. Jordan was going on about all the things that we will be able I do now that we are seniors.

"I'm going to throw the biggest party tonight, you know a senior year thing. You in?" He asked looking at me with a grin. When I didn't answer he added

"Crystal is going to be there, you know your girlfriend." He added with a wink.

"I'm just not really in a party mode at the moment Jordan."Daniel replied, looking at the window and seeing the houses blur when they passed them.

Jordan sighed "You haven't been sleeping again have you?" He asked. When I didn't answer he added "Maybe this is what you need, you know you'll have a drink loosen up a bit,you in?"

"Fine," I said "If it gets you to shut up."I add cracking a smile.

"There you go. That's the Daniel I know. Look we're here anyway," said Jordan pulling into the senior parking space.

Daniel picked up his bag from the boot and started to make his way to the school building. When suddenly a jet black motorcycle coming into the senior car park, zipped so close to Daniel it Made him lose his balance and fall to the ground. Daniel saw the bike steer into a parking space close to Jordan's car, and he watched the black leather clad biker hop off the bike. Daniel got on his feet and was about to confront the drive about watching where he was going when the driver took off her helmet and stopped him dead. Thick black waves tumbled down from the helmet and stopped at her waist. She had beautiful pale skin and her lips had been painted with a bright red lipstick. When she turned his way, Daniel nearly had a heart attack as her electric blues eyes locked onto his and widened a bit before they were hid behind black sunglasses. Jordan came up behind him just as the girl was walking away.he clamped a hand on Daniels shoulder as the girl put her bike in park and started towards the building.

"New girl, nice." He said.


Hey what's up u guys hope u liked it many more to come I wanted to put a change to how they make the boys vampires well this time meet badass Lia Salvatore she will get more than ur heart pumping ;)

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