With every time she blinked a tear droplet would fall from her eye and land on the stone cold ground. The police told Saskia that her parents had been murdered and dragged away somewhere, she couldn't imagine who would do such an awful thing. No one had caught the murderer, Saskia was furious, shouting " why didn't you come down here quicker?!?!" She cried and cried, not knowing what to do with her life anymore. She was put under custody of her grandparents the next day, but she didn't care who she lived with, she just wanted to find out who had murdered her parents. She was determined to find the killer. She needed specifics on what had happened that night, "where??? when??? any clues???" She asked the police officer, he replyed "not particularly, sorry. but we do have some footage of the murder" Saskia said "how??" the police man replyed "well luckly for us the sweet booth had a camera just about being able to peek around the corner to see the murder, the bodies were token somewhere, but we doint know where. Hopes this helps :)" She walked away not knowing where to start, she went to the park where her parents had been killed, hoping to find something their. She found short trail of blood on the floor, knowing it belonged to her parents.