Byuntae Namja !!

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"Morning ,, chagi",V "morninggg..ahh ngntuknyaaa",Joy "Jomlhh pegi memasak nnti kangg dorg bngun tido xde makanan",V

"Woii ,, Baekhyun!!bngun!!",Taeyeon "haa?aishhh ,, bru pukul 8:34 pagi",Baekhyun "no way!!jom bngun tolong org kt bwh msk",Taeyeon "hesyy ,, yelaa2",Baekhyun

"Woii ,, Baekhyun!!bngun!!",Taeyeon "haa?aishhh ,, bru pukul 8:34 pagi",Baekhyun "no way!!jom bngun tolong org kt bwh msk",Taeyeon "hesyy ,, yelaa2",Baekhyun

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(Baekhyun!!knp ko snap gmbr taeyeon snyp2??)

"pdn mukaa",Taeyeon "sebelum tu jom mandi dngn Oppa",Baekhyun "hesyyy ,, x hingin langsung!!k ,, bye*taeyeon keluar dri bilik dngn muka air liur basi '^♢^'",Taeyeon "eyhh ,, minahh nii .. selamba jee .. dh lah x basuh muka!!aku cium kangg baru tahu!!hesyy,,sbarrr jelorhh.. kehkehkeh",Baekhyun

"Ehh,,eonnie dh bangun? Awalnyaa .. ingtkn nk msk dulu ..eonnie nk mkn apa?",Joy "msk je apa2 pon.. eonnie x kisah",Taeyeon "so ,, kitaorg msk pasta ehh?",V "okay je",Taeyeon

"Morning!!btw ,, spe nk teman baekhyun nk pergi jogging",Baekhyn "Jogging? Wahh amazingg!!jomm",Taeyeon "okay ,, bye u olls",Baekhyun


"Penatnyaa!! Erghh ,, x larat nk jog dahh",Taeyeon "elehh ,, tadi dia yg beria nk ikut",Baekhyun "hesyy ,, nyesal ikut",Taeyeon

Nyaris nyaris taeyeon nk jatuh msuk dlm longkang..kalau jatuh tadi memng tersidai dah dlm longkang yg penuh dngn katak comel tuu..

"Hesyy ,, hajat nak pegi jogging bkn nk main gym angkat berat",Baekhyun mendengus geram "heheh..sekali sekala tukar hajat",Taeyeon memujuk

"Appa ,, tengok makcik tu!!siap kena dukung dengan husband dya lagi!!",Budak kecil yg main dkt tmn tuu "Dah tu kenapanya?",Appa bdk kecik tu "Knp appa x angkt omma?",kata kata budak kecik tu mmbuatkn ayahnya tersinggung tahekk kucheng "Omma hg tu berat berkilo2 bkn se dua kilo tau",Appa bdk kecik tuu balas balik


"Taeyeon ,, pegilh masuk rumah dulu",Baekhyun "ou ,, okay",Taeyeon

Tiba - tiba ...

"Happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to youu~ happy birthday to TAEYEON~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU",V dan joy sing together gether

"Happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to youu~ happy birthday to TAEYEON~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU",V dan joy sing together gether

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"What da heck!! Ommo ,, saranghae yhaa!!",Taeyeon "Ni semua plan Baek",V "Lhaa ,, yeke",Taeyeon "Heheh ,, suprise",Baekhyun

Taeyeon cium pipi mulus baekhyun~ auchh
Baekhyun so blushing~

"So ,, mlm ni taeyeon belanja minum soju",Taeyeon "Okayyy",V,Joy,Baek kata serentak

Will continued^^

#happybirthdayto taeyeon shi~
#yg ke berapa authors x tahu
#thanks for 6k

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