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as you guys requested, here's the fanfic to my mini imagine series 'ROAD TRIP'. you can read the first four mini chapters in my Cara Delevingne imagines book. enjoy!

Chapter 1

i sat on the side of my bed trembling in a white towel as my wet hair sent chills down my back. i looked out the window and saw a grey and pouring sky, which in a way, made me feel less alone. it was 5:32am. i drank my dark coffee and zoned out to the sound of the pitter pattering noise playing on the rooftop. my heart felt heavy and my mind was empty. it has been exactly a month and 3 days since Cara has left for college, not that i'm counting or anything... i knew that by her kissing me, it was totally gonna break my heart in the days to come and it did. i knew it was gonna hurt but not to this point..
in the first week of her leaving, she texted me when she landed, and when she saw her school for the first time and other than that, we've had a few basic "hey, how are you?" conversations. she's acting like nothing ever happened in that airport, its almost like she wants to forget. i sort of wish i could forget it myself.
i was checked back into reality at the sound of the buzzing set on my phone, it was 6:00am. i got up and dried myself off and put on my pyjamas and threw my hair in a bun to stop it from dripping. i got my luggage bags and threw in whatever clothes and items i wanted to bring to school with me. the college i'm going to isn't even that far from where i live but my mom insisted on me living the full 'college experience' by getting a dorm room like she did when she was 18. i was interrupted by a notification noise coming from my phone and i dropped everything to see who it was.

"hey hunny, hows the school?" it was my dad.
"i don't visit until this afternoon dad..."
"oh, right! let me know how it is."

at least he tried. my parents got divorced when i was only 6 years old and ever since then, he's been pretty distant. he doesn't do it on purpose or anything, its just that he works a lot and spends a lot of time with his new girlfriend...and her daughter. i'm not jealous, maybe a bit envious at times but i don't really care. it used to bother me more as a kid growing up but now i have bigger issues to deal with than a busy dad.

i zip my bags up and go downstairs to the kitchen where my mom is cooking breakfast.
"morning.." i say to her with a bit of a groggy voice as i walk towards the fridge to get some milk for my bowl.
"hey good morning, its a busy day today! how are you feeling?"
"why?" i respond defensively.
"well you've been a bit cranky since you got home. did anything happen sweetie?" my mom is honestly too kind, i sometimes feel bad for taking her for granted at times.
"n-no.. i'm fine. i don't know, i guess i just miss being on vacation and hate having to go back to school." i say in between bites of my fruit loops cereal.
"what? you should be excited! you're about to have the best time of your life! oh, i just can't wait to show you around the school, show you my old hang out spots with my friends, the old classrooms, the dorms, the library, the g-"
"okay okay. mom, remember i told you i wanted to visit alone? you know, just to get a real feel for the place."
"alright, okay. i understand. you should start getting dressed, its 8 o'clock and we leave at 10am to try to arrive around 1pm. I'm gonna go to the gym so you better be ready by the time I get back."
"m'kay" i say while eating.

i finish my food and go back upstairs to continue packing and getting dressed.


"(Y/N) hurry up and come down!" i hear her yelling from the door entrance.
"Coming!" i look at myself in the mirror one more time to make sure i look decent. i decided to keep it casual with my hair thrown up in a sad attempt at a messy bun, some black skinny years and a white alien tank top under my washed out green flannel. i don't see the point of trying too hard to impress people i'm about to see everyday. although i do think i look pretty good. i lightly did my makeup with nothing more than the basics and, having already said my goodbyes, i ran out the house and into my mom's car. i have a car but we haven't reserved a spot for it yet so i have to be dropped off.
my mom sat in the front seat while i shoved my things in the trunk, closed it and got inside the car.
"so are you excited?"
"not really."
"my baby's going to college, ahh!!" she yelled and then turned on the radio at a low volume for herself. i put on my headphones to just be alone with my music and my thoughts. maybe college will help me forget her.


sorry the chapters pretty short. i don't know how much time i'll have to write this fanfic since i'm going back to school tomorrow 😫. honestly ngl i wish i wrote this fanfic for 1d or 5sos because i'm bigger fans of them but since I started it as a Cara fic, my readers are Cara fans lol.

- march 6th 2016

forget you // cara delevingne fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now