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i decided to walk into a little thrift shop that i've never seen before, it looked really cute. i took a look around at all the vintage records, the aisles of old clothes and the other cool stuff. i recognized the song that was being played in here. i like the vibe, there's only about 15 people in here. i take a little walk around and stop by these cute black round sunglasses and try them on. i look to my left and right to make sure no one's around and i take a couple selfies. i look back at the pictures on my phone and giggle at them. i felt a light tap on my shoulder, which made me jump and turn around. i turned around and saw this guy with neck length brown wavy hair and a lip ring.

"sorry, i didn't mean to scare you." the guy says. "but if you're gonna be playing around with those glasses, you're gonna have to buy them first." he says a bit teasingly. i'm not actually sure if he's serious or not, but i still feel a bit embarrassed.

"oh um, sorry." i take it off and hand it to him. "oh actually, i'll just.." i put the glasses back in the rack. "really sorry.." i say walking away.

"oh no, wait. i wasn't being serious." he says and i awkwardly turn back around. why would he even joke about this?
"wait, sorry..um gosh, i was just looking for an excuse to talk to you but..creating this awkward situation probably.. wasn't the best way of doing it. i'm Casey by the way!" he takes his hand out to shake mine and he's getting redder and redder by the second.

"um.. okay. it's okay." i shake his hand and let out a little laugh. he is kinda cute. i look at him up and down and get a better look at him. he's wearing a black leather jacket with a red flannel and a white t-shirt under it with black jeans and ..doc martins i think those shoes are? i don't know, but I like his look. we let go of each other's hands and his face is starting to look normal again since the tension was eased.

"but yeah, i do work here and if you need any help looking for something, you can always ask me. did you come here with anything particular in mind?"

"no, not really. i kinda just needed to ditch the campus for a while to clear my mind."

"oh, you're from that college a couple streets down, right? the name isn't coming to me.. but hey, music always helps me clear my head. my shift just ended, so if you want, i can show you my favourite albums in the shop. they're like the best, you're gonna love them." he said in a exaggerating way. "okay, sure." i smiled and followed him.

we sat in an empty area, which was a little storage room and he took out his phone and, sitting side by side each other, we both had an earphone. he started playing one song i didn't like and he saw the look of disinterest on my face.

"you don't like it? ok then i'll switch." he switched a few times, took the earphones off and played the music out loud. "i like this one!" i said excitedly, which made him smile.
after a few moments of silence, i said "so what do you do besides work here? do you go to college?"
"oh um, no actually. i did about 7 months before realizing it wasn't for me."
"what do you mean it wasn't for you? don't you wanna graduate to get a better job?"
"i mean yeah, i thought about that before dropping out but then i realized that life is too short to constantly be worrying about the future. people these days seem to forget about the present moment... and i'm not too worried, my plan is just to do a few jobs here and there to be able to afford the necessities and stuff."
"oh." another song then started playing. "yes, now this one is one of my favourites." he said. "i know this one!" i said smiling.
we listened a bit more and i said, "and i understand what you're saying about the whole college thing. i hated high school so much, i just wanted to drop out and learn things that actually mattered and start living my life already."

"we're all just seeking freedom one way or another." he said with somewhat of an intense stare.

about 2 hours later, we finished hanging out and it was about 7pm. i walked down the street back to school with a smile on my face. it was a really beautiful scenery with the evening sky and the street and car lights. the weather was perfect and i was feeling the complete opposite of what i was feeling this morning. i really like casey.

i finally reached the school and got in. i took the stairs and quietly opened the door with my key. i saw my roommate kate sitting on her bed wrapped in a towel and she said, "hey, where have you been all day?" "i just needed some air." i said before walking to the bathroom to take a shower. all i could think about was my afternoon spent with casey, which almost left a permanent smile on my face since i left him.

about 20 minutes later, i left the bathroom wearing my pyjamas and there was still a little smile left on my face. "what's up with you?" kate said. "ooh, nothing.." i laughed and climbed into bed. i was terribly unprepared for my first day of school tomorrow but i couldn't care less. i turned off my lamp and fell asleep.


- august 4th 2016
i tried making this one a bit longer because i haven't written a while. july was crazy busy af. and btw, when writing casey, i just imagined the appearance of casey from hey violet lol. btw y/n is 17 and he's 19.

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