Yamamoto's Valentine

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Today is valentines! But unfortunately, your boyfriend Yamamoto couldn't celebrate with you, because he was surrounded by girls all day...

You signed heavily at the sight of Yamamoto accepting chocolates from all girls and Tsuna approached you.

Tsuna :"(y/n)-chan, you alright?"

You :"Yeah"

Tsuna :"Well..."

Reborn : *hit Tsuna in the head* Idiot, how could she be okay when her boyfriend is accepting chocolates from other girls?

You :"Reborn, I'm fine, really."

Tsuna : *climb back up*"Alright, if you say so (y/n)-chan..."

You :"By the way have you gotten any chocolates?"

Tsuna suddenly hang his head and said, "As usual, not a single one..."

You :"Haha, here you go then~"

You passed him a nicely wrapped chocolate and smiled at him.

Tsuna :"What?! Really?!"

You :"Yup of course"

Tsuna :"Thank you!!!"

He took the chocolate and happily hops off.

Reborn : *turns to you* That dame Tsuna, he should know it's just a chocolate out of obligation.

You :"Haha, he would get from Haru and Kyoko anyway. Reborn, yours is here"

You passes him a chocolate that has a picture of his face and he took it.

Reborn :"Arigato! Bye!"

He then left and you lean on the table. You saw both Gokudera and Yamamoto were with many women but Gokudera is scowling a lot. Since he isn't surrounded, you decided to give his the obligatory chocolate first before going to Ryohei. You called out to Gokudera and he walked to you.

Gokudera :"What is it women?"

You :"I got chocolate for ya!"

Gokudera :"I don't want it."

He was about to walk away but you said, "Ohh~ Too bad then, I just gave Tsuna the exactly same chocolate~"

Gokudera :"Wha?!"

You :"A right hand man should eat the same thing with the boss isn't it?"

You hold out the chocolate once again and Gokudera shyly snatched it away and walked off.

A few minutes later your phone vibrates and you realise Gokudera had sent you a message.

It says, "Thank you women"

You :"Geez, that guy..."

You then glance at Yamamoto one more time before picking up your bag, left your seat and went out of the classroom.

-Yamamoto's POV over the whole thing-
I was getting chocolates from many girls as usual but I couldn't help but be bothered by (y/n)...

She's been signing all day long and I understand it was because of me...

Suddenly I saw Tsuna approaches (y/n), probably out of concern. Wait, what?! Why is she giving Tsuna a chocolate?! A-And Tsuna is smiling so happily. Just as I thought of these...

Girl :"Yamamoto-senpai! Pls accept this!"

...a girl thrust a chocolate infront of my face. I regain my posture and accepted the chocolate with a smile. After a while again, I took a peek at (y/n) again and she was offering a chocolate to Gokudera, who looks a little flustered. My face immediately turned into a frown and the girls back away after seeing my face. I quickly smile again and all the girl crowded around me again.

After some hour, Hibari came and 'Saved' me by forcing the girls to leave the school. I wanted to talk to (y/n) but she already went home so I just left. When I reaches home, the first thing that had caught my eyes is that particular chocolate, which has the exactly same warpping as the others that (y/n) gave to the others and a letter stick to it.

My dad probably realise me staring at the chocolate so he said, "That chocolate is from (y/n)-san!"

Yamamoto :"What?"

Yamamoto's Dad :"She came here and waited for you for hours but you hasn't came back so she left the chocolate and went back."

Yamamoto :"What?! She waited for me for hours?!" (Y's dad stand for Yamamoto's dad)

Y's Dad :"Yeah"

Yamamoto's dad then went inside and Yamamoto put his bag down and open the letter.

Letter : Dear Yamamoto, Uncle probably had told you I have waited for you for hours but please don't feel sorry about, I know the reason behind it and it can't be help. Anyway, happy valentines day, eat this chocolate and tell me about it tomorrow, okay?
From : (y/n)

I grip the letter tightly in regret, I could have left the girls early and came back home! But I didn't... I ran out of the house immediately and went to see (y/n).

-End of his POV-

-At your house-
You were just about to take a bath when you heard someone knocking on the front door. The moment you opened your door, Yamamoto pulled you into a tight embrace.

You :"T-Takeshi? What are you-"

Yamamoto :"I'm so sorry....Please forgive me...."

You :"H-Huh? F-For what exactly?"

Yamamoto :"For leaving you...on your own..."

You :"B-But I wasn't angry!"

Yamamoto :"I know. But still...forgive me..."

You :"O-Okay?"

Suddenly, he pulled away and kissed you. It was your first kiss...

Thanks to that someone commenting, cause I've already forgotten about this story tbh... So sorry XD

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