Belphegor's Valentine

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This was written in Feb 2019. But I forgot I wrote this. Thus did not publish...till now. ╮(╯_╰)╭
-Valentines Day-
You were playing with your phone in the living room when Luss called you from the kitchen.

Luss :"(y/n)-chan darling, can you come here for a moment."

You :"Sure!"

You went to the kitchen, curious of what Luss want.

Luss :"Well, do you know today is Valentines Day"

You :"Yeah! I brought chocolates for Belphegor(boyfriend)."

Luss :"I see, I was planning to make chocolates for all the members since I do that every year. So I thought maybe you would like to help me?"

You :"Wow! I wanna help!"

Luss :"Hehe, alright then, wash your hands and I will teach you where to start."

You :"Kay!"

Thus, you and Luss made the chocolates.

You and Luss distributed the chocolates but Bel was unhappy. Cause you made chocolates for Fran and Squalo but brought chocolates for him instead.

After distributing the chocolates, Bel came to you.

Bel :"Princess."

You :"Hai?"

Bel :"Are you sure you got nothing to say to me?"

He held out the chocolates, demanding an answer, but you do not understand him.

You :"Um...Happy Valentines?"

Bel :"..."

Fran came into the room carrying a large box of chocolates.

Fran :"Hey Bel-senpai, your deliveries."

You :"Huh?! Are those all for Bel?"

Fran :"Yeah, Bel-senpai gets the most chocolates every year."

Bel :"Ushishishi, leave them there, I will take care of them."

Fran put the box on the table and Bel picked them up.

You :"B-Bel, those chocolates..."

Bel :"Im bringing them to my room."

You :"...."

Bel :"Come to my room later."

You :"O-Okay..."

You enter Bel room and saw he was chewing some chocolates with the big box of chocolates beside him. Immediately you felt hurt. Bel notices you and called out to you.

Bel :"Come here Princess~"

You awkwardly went to him and look at him nervously. Suddenly, Bel pulled you down and into a hug, with him hugging you from behind.

You :*blush*"What-"

Bel :"Want some chocolate?"

You :"Huh? I don't-"

Bel turned you around and fed you a peice of chocolates in his mouth before you could answer. The chocolate melt in your kiss and he smirked. You gluped down the chocolate and he kissed you again.

Bel :"Want more?"

You shake your head.

Bel :"Too bad then~"

Bel continue eating the chocolate and hug you. Both of you remained in silent and slowly, you dozed off in the warm embrace of Bel.

Bel :"She fell asleep, the pill I fed her with the chocolate must be working. Now..."

Bel carried you and went towards his bed...
Read the lemon~

Valentines Day With The KHR Boys!!!!! (KHR x Reader)LEMONWhere stories live. Discover now