Chapter 26: Blurred Lines

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Louis fell asleep before Johannah came home, but I couldn't bear to leave him alone. I kept my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, trying to figure how I was going to be able to find any will to live without him. 

When I heard the garage door open, I untangled myself from Louis' arms, covering him up with the bedspread and giving him a soft kiss on the forehead. I wanted to leave him a note but I couldn't find any paper, so I ended up scribbling "I love you - S" on the back of his hand in black Sharpie. I then went downstairs to help Johanna bring in the groceries, reluctantly declining her offer to stay for dinner, since I had already promised Niall I would go over to his house.

I drove back to Star Island, deciding that I would just leave my car at home and walk around the block to Niall's, even though it was getting dark. Pulling my phone out of the front pocket of my backpack, which I quickly dumped in the foyer, I texted him to know that I was coming. He replied when I was about a block away from his cul de sac. 

Niall: Sounds good, I ordered a pizza, come meet me out back in the boat. 

I pocketed my phone as I walked up his driveway, stopping in to say a quick hello to Niall's parents before heading outside to the sloping backyard. Since we lived on an island and were surrounded by water, most people didn't have a backyard unless they needed space to dock a boat. Niall's dad Bobby owned a beautiful small sized yacht that we used to go out on almost every weekend, but I hadn't been on it in years. 

From the boardwalk that jutted off the sliver of sandy beach, I stepped carefully onto the deck of the boat, which was rocking gently in the water. The light was on, so I didn't even bother to knock before opening the door and going inside. Niall was sitting on the couch playing some sort of video game, dressed only in jeans with the hem of his Calvin Klein boxers peeking over the top. I tried my hardest not to stare at his toned stomach muscles as I closed the door behind me.

"Put some clothes on Horan." I said in way of greeting, slipping off my shoes and padding over to the couch. 

"Why don't you take some off instead?" He replied, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"You wish." I scoffed, taking a seat beside him and glancing at the tv, trying to figure out what he was playing that was so interesting, but all it seemed to involve was machine guns and a lot of blood.

"Yeah I do." He smirked, and I swatted his leg.

"Look, I came here to be fed, so if your not going to give me any pizza i'm going home." I said jokingly, and he finally switched off the video game, setting the XBox controller down on the table.

"How's he doing?" Niall asked, sliding a half empty pizza box towards me. I grabbed a slice and settled into the couch before answering.

"A lot better than he was yesterday. He said to thank you again for taking such good care of him." 

Niall just shrugged. "It was no big deal. You asked me to do you a favor, and I long time ago made a promise I was going to always going to be there for you, no matter what you needed."

I could feel myself blushing, and was glad that Niall was now digging through the DVD cabinet, his back turned so that he couldn't see me. "Well, I really appreciate it."

"Like I said, no big deal." He responded casually. "Now, the real dilemma at hand is whether we watch Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince or The Dark Knight. I think i'm in more of a Batman mood tonight." 

"Sounds good babe." I said nonchalantly, before gasping in horror at the fact i'd just called him babe. Luckily, he either didn't notice or didn't care, because he just put the DVD in the blu ray player and turned off the lights before coming back over to the couch. Sometimes I really hated these blurred lines in our relationship. I was so comfortable around him again that it was easy to forget that we weren't dating, that we in fact both had significant others. I made sure to scoot all the way to the end of the couch, trying to put as much distance between us as possible. 

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