Chapter 14

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It was true, I didn't see Fred and George for the rest of the afternoon, but it was partially my fault. I skipped their celebration to spend some time with Viktor, as I hadn't seen him for several days. I left Lee shortly after entering the castle again, but he didn't seem to mind. He'd gotten into an intense conversation with Angelina about the chasers playing for the Chudley Cannons.

I'd waited in the Great Hall for all of the students to return from the stadium, then made my way outside towards the ship. I was intercepted on the way by Charlie Weasley.

"Samantha!" he called, rushing over to me in the brisk wind. "Wait!"

I looked around in surprise. Why was he talking to me? I didn't think we had anything to say to each other.

He managed to prove me wrong. "Listen," he said, slightly breathless "I never had a chance to actually thank you for helping Bill and I that night. We got your owl on the way home, so no one else knows that you were involved."

I felt a small wave of relief wash over me as he said this. It felt good to know that something had worked out in my favour, even if it was something insignificant..

"Anyways, we never formally met each other. I mean, we exchanged names, but that's all. So, if it's alright with you, I'd like to meet again,"he said, holding out his hand. "My name is Charlie Weasley."

I shook it tentatively. "Samantha Krum." I said, offering him a small smile.

He grinned back, shoved his large,calloused hands in his large pant pockets, and glanced around. "So..." he said "Is it rude to ask who you were rooting for today?"

His question took me totally by surprise. I hadn't expected this kind of conversation at all. In all honesty, I hadn't expected any conversation. If we were ever to confer, I assumed he would have updated me on how Bill was doing, but otherwise I saw no need for interaction.

"Well, primarily Viktor, of course" I told him "But I'm glad Harry is doing well. He would have been my next choice."

Charlie nodded. "And how did you like the different dragons?"

"It certainly was an interesting choice," I said "But I really don't know enough about dragons to have an opinion on the variety."

He nodded absently, staring at the castle, and didn't respond. After a moment I said "Charlie? Are you alright?"

He blinked and gave a slight shake of his head, then smiled at me.

"Sorry," he said. "Lost my train of thought. Were you headed somewhere?"

I nodded at the dark ship on the lake, and he understood immediately. We bid each other farewell and began to walk in opposite directions. Then I remembered Bill again, and I whipped around.

"Charlie!" I called, grabbing his attention. He turned to stare at me in confusion. "How is Bill? How has he recovered?" I asked, walking back towards him.

"He was completely patched up the next afternoon." He assured me with a smile. "He's a tough guy. He's doing fine now. Don't fret over him."

I nodded, satisfied, and marched towards the ship again. I recalled when Fred and George had told me that Bill was fine, but it felt more reassuring to hear it from the one other man who was actually there with us.

When I neared the ship, I heard the Durmstrang students shouting excitedly underneath the deck. I hurried on board and found the stairs that led to the rooms underneath. I stepped down them carefully, taking in the dark, cobweb covered wood that made up the grimy hull of the ship.

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