Chapter 2

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The next week of school had sadly began.

"Danielle! Wake up!" My mother shouted as it was already 7:00am. "Your bus gets here in half an hour hurry up!"

I finally got the confidence to get up and catch the bus. Catching the bus meant, Harrison. My friend Zac sometimes save me a seat up the back because I was pretty much the last stop. But he also saves a seat for Harrison which meant I had to also sit with him. Though, today wasn't any normal day. There was no sign of Zac. Only Harrison. He was sat up near the back with a free seat next to him. He was looking out the window when he turned to look down the aisle. He saw me and smiled. He moved his bag to free the seat and so I sat down.

"Hi" he said.

I replied "hey" in a faint voice

His face was a little confused and scrunched. "What's up?" He asked.
"Your not your normal self lately." He explained.

"I'm fine" I said with a tiny bit of anger in my voice.

He stared straight at me " no your not."

I put my favourite music on, both earphones in, and didn't talk for the rest of the trip to school.

All that day, Harrison was checking up on me. It didn't make it any better. I had the weekend to get over all the shit happening in my life yet it still affected me. I was ignoring my best friends, I even was ignoring my crush, Harrison.

During maths, I had moments of blank thoughts. I don't get it. Why all of a sudden has Harrison cared about me so much?

Later that day I saw my best friend, Zac.

"Danielle? Are you alright? Harrison told me everything. Your not fine." He said sounding worried.

"Zac what I don't get is, the fact that Harrison all of a sudden cares about how I feel. Why? What have you said to him to make him feel sorry for me all the time?" I questioned this whole situation.

Zac had nothing to say but "Danielle I haven't said anything. But I can tell you one thing. Just cause you ride horses doesn't mean no one likes you. You don't have to dress to impress. He likes you for who you are."

*ring ring ring* it was time for 5th period.

I didn't believe what I just heard. But I had to believe it. Zac's distinct words were 'he likes you for who you are'. Who did he mean by he? Harrison?

5th period was the worst timing ever. It just happened that we were doing a prac for science. With the person you sit with. That person just happened to be Harrison. As I helped add the sugar to the heated beaker, I caught Harrison watching me out the corner of his eye. He tried to get my attention but I was so focused on the experiment, I ignored him. As I finished, packed up the equipment and sat back at my seat, he didn't say a word. I didn't realise I had ignored him. And now he wasn't talking to me. What!?

I got off the bus and walked around the back of the house to the 114 acres of paddock and trails. I found my beautiful bay standardbred Gloria. Quickly put the bit into her mouth and the band over her ears, found a stump and sprung onto her back.

I whispered into her little fluffy ear"Hey baby girl."

Gloria let out a short quiet whinny in reply.

"Let's go," I shouted and galloped off into the distance.

A little bit into the ride my phone started to vibrate against my hip. I reached down and got it out of my pocket. It was Zac and Harrison wanting a group call. I pulled Gloria to a halt.

"Should I answer it girl?" I asked the 500kg animal.

She turned her head and looked at the phone as if to say 'just answer it'.
And I did so.

Only one of the voices greeted Danielle.

"Hey," Zac said cheerfully.

"Hi guys," I replied.

Before I could speak again I heard another voice. Harrison quickly spoke.

"Danielle, why did you ignore me today?"

I was shocked. I hadn't realised I ignored him.

"Harrison I'm sorry I was blocking everything out I didn't realise..."

Before I could say anymore Harrison had left the call. I hung up to save the embarrassment.

"Come on Gloria. I don't need no boy to be happy"

As I galloped through the trails, the wind in my hair. I felt free again. No teachers to keep me in a room. I mean yes it is Monday and yes there is still 4 days of school left. But what could possibly happen?

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