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I'm sorry guys that I didn't update the story. And I know it's not really good l. It's my first story.

Allys POV


Avery wait up. We're not going be late to the train. I ran to be next to her. We were going to Paris. The place I always dream of.

         ••End of dream••

I open my eyes Avery was in front of me she was giggling. " what's so funny". She stop giggling "Let's go were going to miss the train. We changed. we went down to say good bye to Isabella she was the person that took care of us since we got here.

" okay girls if u need help just call, and Ally I'm sorry to tell u this but your train on going to Paris has been cancel, I'm sorry to say that. And u can stay hear at London or go back home if u like"

My smile fade away, I look at Avery she nodded. "were going back home" Avery and isa nodded. We left.


We got hear. Avery tried to smile but I didn't. We enter the train. Avery tried to sleep. I looked out the window. I was hungry. I walked to the café car. I looked for good for but there was nothing. I picked coke for Avery, and I pick tea for myself. I sat down.

" That's all you're going to eat?" I didn't bother to answer I just keep drinking my tea. But I recognize the voice, I turn a round, it was the guy that was at the act last night. He smile. And repeated the question. I smile and answer his question. "yeah, there's nothing good hear" he sat at my table and stared to eat. "so, what brings u hear?" I was thinking of what to answer. "well I'm doing a trip before I go to collage, and, what about you?" he looked down and said "the wind" I gave my confused look he laugh and I just laugh too." So are u American or English" I stop laughing "American, why?" I bite my lip to keep from grinning. " you don't look American because and American has blond hair, big.......boobs, soft features, and pretty like your friend"

"and I don't look like that?" I knew how I look like dark hair, dark eyes, not really pretty. He looks at me and says "no" that hurt.

He looks at me again and says "you look like Louise"

I looked at him blankly.

He smiles and says "she was and actress in the nineteen twenties. Amazing actress"

I smile he continued eating and said " you look like her I should call Louise.... No wait Lulu that was her nickname"

Lulu I like that.

he reaches my hand. "Hi, Lulu, I'm William" his hand so warm.

"what did u exactly mean by the wind?" He looks some were else. "I go where the wind blows me" he looks back at me. "so where's the wind blowing u?" He looks at the at the eye "Holland"

I deflate. "oh"

after that we talked, laugh, when Avery comes into the café car. "Ally?!" I looked at her she smiles. "I though u left me alone" she hugs me. William stands up to throw away his breakfast.

"Ally is that he guy from last night?" I smile and nodded "Lulu, do u want your drinks?" Before I could say anything Avery spoke first "Lulu?, who is that?" I smile. "it's me Avery, I'm Lulu, and no William you can throw away the drinks" he nodded.

After we explain why William called me Lulu. She wad giving me the look that said he likes you I just ignore her face. We kept talking till we had to get off.

I look at the train that went to Paris. "what's wrong Lulu?" "nothing, is just..." Avery cut me of "she wants to go to Paris but are tickets got cancel" William looked at me took me hands. "do u want to go to Paris with me?"

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