If looks could kill

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"Jer..." I hear faintly.
"Jerem..." I hear again, fading out
"JEREMY!" I hear loud and clear.
"FUCK" I yell as I snap my head up, I get up quickly tripping and landing on my back on the floor. I groan and open my eyes slowly, hearing laughter around me I look up to see the teacher scowling at me. If looks could kill I would be deader than road kill. I groan and put my arm over my eyes a headache forming. "Jeremy this is the last time i will see you sleeping in class!" My teacher snaps, looking at me with his deadly eyes. "What, are you going blind? Oh god I'm so sorry Mr Green, you know I've heard guide dogs are pretty expensive and you have to.."
"JEREMY!" He yells cutting me off. "I am not going blind! This is the last straw I want you out! Go to the principals office NOW!" He yells and the class goes silent. I look to him, then the door, then back to him. I close my eyes and let out this inhuman screech and slowly get up. I grab my bag and walk to the door, I look back with a sad face. "You know Mr Green I was really looking forward to that guide dog" I say and I swear I see steam out of his ears. "JEREMY!! I SWEAR TO..." He yells as he runs towards me looking as if he is going to tackle me. I don't hear the last part as I run down the hall laughing to myself. This is going to be a fun year.

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