Stop calling me Linda!!

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I get halfway down the hallway and stop running, slowing down to a skip. I skip down the corridors with a smile on my face, not a care in the world. Before I know it I'm at my locker chucking my bag into it, I hum to myself and slam my locker shut dramatically until I stalk my way towards the principals office. "Hey Linda, how's it going?" I say as I skip into the doorway. "In trouble again Mr Mckinnon?" She asks with a scowl on her face. "Yep, you know Linda I'm starting to get the feeling that we are going to be best friends" I say smiling. She glares at me, "sit down Mr Mckinnon, and Stop calling me Linda! It's Miss Smith to you" she says going back to her computer. I huff and sit down, "I think I know why you're a MISS Smith" I mumble to myself and an angry look gets sent my way. I see someone shuffle in a seat close to me and look over. A guy about my age is sitting a seat away from me. he has a resting glare on his face, looking like it's been there a while. I slowly shuffle over in my seat until he looks at me, I pause. He looks back at his book and I shuffle closer again, he glares at me once he notices me closer but I pretend to be looking off in the distance. He sceptically looks back to his book and with one quick movement I jump into the seat next to him. "What the hell do you want?" he says annoyed. I give him a goofy grin and giggle, he rolls his eyes and huffs. "I'm Jeremy" I say extending a hand to his. "I'm uncomfortable" he says and scoots away. I roll my eyes playfully and scoot closer to him again. "I've seen you around, I think you're in my art class aren't you?" I say. "Sadly, yes" he says, "I honestly don't know how I cope" he continues. "Yeah I know art class is boring" I say thoughtfully. "No art class is fine. I meant with you" he says as he gets up with a huff and moves to the end seat in the waiting room. "Oh" I say trailing off. "You know what?" I say smiling, walking in front of him as my name gets called by Linda. "What?" he sighs, "I'm getting the feeling we are going to be best friends" I say smiling wide. "You said the same thing to 'Linda' like five minutes ago" he points out. "Yeah well between you and me" I whisper "I think she's a bit clingy" I say slowly walking towards the principals door. "Jeremy!!" Linda yells. "Coming Linda!" I yell as I walk Into the principals office knowing she heard my confession. "And stop calling me Lin-" she yells, i cut her off by slamming the principals door as I walk into the office. I take one last look back at 'uncomfortable' and I swear I see a ghost of a smile on his face. Oh yeah, we are going to be tight!

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