"Are you okay?"

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*Kevin Pov *

I close my eyes and play with the paint on my pallet, I move my head along with the music in my headphones that are filling the void of silence this classroom is now holding. I open my eyes and look around, now knowing why it's quiet. "No Jeremy" I whisper to myself. I know he's usually late but he didn't come to any classes yesterday after lunch, the quiet is good but I'm getting a little paranoid. I dismiss it and decide I better start painting before it dries. As I'm just about to put the blue paint on the canvas my head automatically goes towards the noise that comes from the door. Jeremy slowly walks in looking worryingly pale and says a couple of quiet words to the teacher. The teacher nods and he walks to the back of the classroom, sitting by himself and laying his head in his arms. To be honest he looks like hell, he doesn't move for about 10 minutes until the teacher gives him a work sheet. He lifts his head up with a blank expression, looks at the sheet and lays his head back down.

By the end of the class most people are chatting, waiting for recess to start. The bell goes finally and as I start to walk out the teacher stops me. He gives a disgusted look at Jeremy, still laying on his desk. "Wake him up and lock the door on your way out" he says and leaves me and him alone in the classroom. "What a douche" I say to myself as I try and figure out the best way to wake Jeremy up. I decide for the good old shake and wake and slowly walk over. I stop and stare when I see that his hands and wrists are exposed, the jacket riding up his arm. Bruises litter his knuckles and hands, finger print shaped bruises up his arm. I'm confused but go to wake him anyway. "Jeremy?" I say as I get closer. "Jeremy!" I say louder, he still doesn't stir. "Oi" I say as I reach and grab his shoulder. He violently flinches and moves away from me, breathing heavily. He looks me in the eyes worriedly and slowly calms down, realising his surroundings. "Are you okay?" I ask as he gets up quickly. Looking pale as ever, shaking all over he looks me in the eyes. I take a step closer and he looks away for a second until he slowly whispers something I'll never forget. "Please. Help me" his eyes roll back and he suddenly falls towards me, passing out.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, feedback would be appreciated :)

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