uuUUUUUUGGhhhhh >:-(

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Alright so I'm being FORCED INTO doing one of those tag things. Though, I refuse to tag anyone myself. So if you see it and wanna do it, then I guess you're tagged? I dunno.

 So if you see it and wanna do it, then I guess you're tagged? I dunno

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1. I can't remember.
2. A mix. However with new people or people I'm not comfortable with, I'm silent.
3. (Assuming they mean a celebrity?) Probably Gerard Way.
4. I like to believe so.
5. In a friendship, yes.
6. The little shit would probably be drunk too.
7. No.
8. Just because "All-Star" by Smash Mouth is playing, Shrek. (Shrek is love; Shrek is life.)
9. Depends on who I'm talking with.
10. My best friends JJ and Tionna.
11. "Get shrek'd"
12. You have a right to believe what you want, but I'm personally pro-choice.
13. Not particularly, unless I have more than one friend with me.
14. Somewhat.
15. Nothing.
16. I haven't kissed anyone since I was around 6. I hate people.
17. Yes, it's idiotic to think otherwise. (A teacher I have thinks they're not real, but that's a rant for another day.)
18. Yes.
19. I don't know.
20. Haven't spoken to them, but they seem nice.
21. I bite the inside of my cheek a lot, and I have a habit of talking louder than I probably should.
22. Somewhere in Europe, but mostly London or Germany.
23. Yes.
24. I think washing my face is fun.
25. For whatever reason, I don't like seeing the veins on my wrists. (I've never harmed myself or ever wanted to, it just irks me.)
26. Want someone to bash me with a rock.
27. I like my skin tone, when people (coughrianandlikethreeotherfriendscough) aren't talking shit.
28. Usually my friends.
29. Assuming I have exes?
30. Yes.
31. Yes.
32. I don't want to answer this question.
33. Vakdg (I was spelling "Haley.")
34. No.
35. Television.
36. Yes. Currently, even.
37. Nothing. It usually makes it worse, though.
38. Yes. You can't be 15 and dating a 19 year old. That's pedophilia and could harm the minor.
39. I don't have any preferences, but craft stores are pleasant.
40. College; I want to write books. But I'll have a normal job with that. I won't get rich off of writing books.
41. No.
42. That I don't want to talk...?
43. No.
44. Space.
45. Yes, in college.
46. Parents going into my room while I'm away, people talking about me, etc,.
47. That I'm an abusive asshole.
48. That I matter to them so much, and that they appreciate me. (From my best friend JJ)
49. Yes.
50. French, Latin, or German.

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