Prologue- going rogue

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I was walking through the facility checking monitors to make sure they were working and fixing the broken computers. As you could probably tell I was the tech guy here. I loved computers. You could give me an hour to decode the governments fire wall and be done in 15 minutes. I'm the best in the bizz. "Tiny can you come fix this please?" Z called me over. Z's real name is zuilgen (he's foreign) but we all call him Z. I got the nickname of Tiny because I'm 6'5, black and have a deep voice. It was just a joke at first but now it's just my nickname. "Sure, I'll be over in a sec" I replied. I finished up a this computer and went to Z. "What's the problem this time?" I questioned giving him a glance as I searched for a problem. "Well th-" "Aaaand fixed" I brush my hands and look at Z with his jaw wide open. "You never cease to amaze me with your tech skillz" Z made a gesture for me to follow him. "So I heard that they've gone through with the animation phase". Z raised his eyebrows sceptically waiting for my answer. I had always been very exited about the animation phase. "Really? Didn't think they could do that without the governments approval" gonna have to talk to drax about that. The animation phase is where they start to genetically engineer and create 'dinosaurs' they are really just what we imagine them to be. At ARK we are trying to create a safe haven for dinosaurs that we create. Dmac comes in carrying a bunch of what look like eggs. Dmac gives one to each of us. "Sweet... What are these?" Z inspects the egg. "Don't be too rough with the egg Z, these are dodo eggs". I look at mine and see a tiny chip on the side." Hey guys look at mine, it's hatching... Wait shouldn't it be in the nursery" I question whilst still keeping my eyes on the egg. "Nah, these are going to be our dodo's. We are aloud to keep them so long as they don't leave the facility. Tiny look, yours is breaking out". I quickly look down and spot the crack getting bigger. I set it down on the nearest desk. I pull the light switch and the light comes on. It blinds me for a second and then I angle it near the egg. When I'm done I see a beak break through the shell and hear a tiny chirp. I think to myself I'm going to be the first person to see a dodo in thousands of years. I gently help it out of its shell. And clean the yuck off of it. I carefully pick the tiny bird and put it in the nursery. "Hey tiny, yours has a really neat pattern on it." I look at Z and then to my dodo and see he's correct. My dodo has brown feathers with different shades with a black and yellow feet and a a yellow beak.
*a couple of hours later*
Everyone is bottle feeding their dodos and playing with them. Dmac named his KingBabyD after him. Dmac's dodo had a very unique patter and colour scheme. They were Dmac's favourite colour, and that's where the name came from. Z called his roby because his dodo has a metallic look and it started walking like a robot. "Alright guys we got to get back to work." Z got up and left for the engineering department and Dmac went to the supplies storage area. I put my dodo down in the nursery. I still had to find a name for him. Hmmn what should I name him... What about Ralph. The Latin name for dodo is Raphus cucullatus. It fits perfectly. I put Ralph on my desk and started up the systems check. Whilst that was running I decided to check the cameras. I clicked on to the supply storage cameras and saw Dmac lifting some expensive science equipment. I then flicked over to the engineering department and saw Z taking some measurements on a piece of paper. I saw that there was nothing else to do so for the next 30 minutes I flickered through all the cameras until I came back to Dmac. Once the image popped up my mouth dropped. There were three men trying to pin Dmac. It was quite hard because he was quite strong, I would know. Don't ever try to arm wrestle
him. One of the men brought our something from behind his back. It looked like a cattle prodder... It was one. The man kept zapping him until he passed out. I put my head in my hands trying to understand why they are doing this. Ralph walked over to me and nuzzled me. I had completely forgot he was here. I stoked the back of his head and he chirped. He accidentally walked onto my keyboard and switched the cameras to Z's workspace. Men were pinning him down as well. I had to find out what was happening. I picked up my phone and called Draax. "Come on pick up. Please say they hav-" "hey man what's up" "Draax, are you ok. Have they got you yet?" I look out the hallway and saw no one there. "I'm fine and what do you mean have they got me yet? Who's coming" I quickly explain to Draax what I saw on the cameras. "Damn. Is should of told you this earlier. You know how you love computers, Z loves to design and create, I love to fight and Dmac is just very useful. I saw the bosses plans a couple of weeks ago and he said that they're gonna send us in. Instead of the volunteers. And in order to make sure we would go they are just going to chuck us in there." I took a moment to digest the information. Us, going into the Ark. I couldn't wrap my head around it. The scientists have been adding new dinos and other creatures in there very month and probably will if we are in there too. I heard banging on the doors down the corridor from me and heard shouting. I checked the hallway cameras and saw the what appears to be some sort of swat team trying to get in. I held Ralph and pet him in order to calm him down. I then put him in my pocket where he would be safe. The men burst through the doors guns aimed everywhere until they met me. They through me off of my chair and pinned me to the floor. I tried to land in a way that wouldn't squash Ralph. After clearing me for weapons they picked me up and LITTERALLY dragged me into the testing room where the portal was. Once I had entered the room I saw Z,Draax and Dmac standing next to the portal in handcuffs just like mine. I looked at them with a frown. Dmac looked extremely tired from fighting those men. Z looked defeated and Draax stood defiantly. I noticed that they all had bulges in thier pockets too. They had the same idea as me. It looks like they either didn't look for the dodos or they letting us take them into the Ark. Our boss walks into the room and smiles at us. He used to be a great friend. "I think you've figured out that we're going to throw you in, you're all very smart and useful but I began to see that you guys were doubting our experiment. So I devised a plan to show you. We had begun the the animation phase a couple of months ago and now everything is complete. We released dinos into the Ark last month and they have spread like wildfire. Now. In order for us to protect our government contract people must not know about this." Z looks up in rage and shouts " but you just told us, if you hadn't of done this then we wouldn't know." Our boss walks up to Draax and continues talking "I wouldn't be so sure of that Zuilgen. You're buddy here saw my plans a little while ago and was going to tell you guys today. So that's why I'm doing this. You have one person to thank. And that's me. So I suggest you better prepare yourself. You will live live to the full and push your fears past their limits. Have fun with life in the Ark" Our boss turns and walks away. The men nearest to us pick us up and shove us towards the portal. At the last moment Draax shouts "we will get you star, I promise you" and then we were pushed into the portal.
So I'm starting something new and really liking it. If you like it just vote or comment or if you don't at least tell a friend. It really means a lot. If you ant to see more just leave a comment saying banana.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2016 ⏰

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