The waiting game

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I woke up to my head hurting because of the incident two days ago. I then showered and noticed some I had a scar near my belly button, which was not good. After I ate breakfast I waited to get a text or call from Dylan but didn't got anything.

I got tired of waiting so I called Amber so we can eat some sushi because I love sushi and so does Amber.

Later that day

After we ate we went to my place and she had to go back to work so I was left alone with my thoughts and why the hell did Dylan not text me or at least call. Since I was done waiting I decided to take matters into my own hands and go back to the place Dylan took me when they almost kidnapped me or something like that.

So I asked Jason if I could borrow his Lamborghini and he said yes so I was on my way to find out where the hell Dylan has been.

Creepy old house

"Dylan!" I screamed as I saw nothing

"Dylan this isn't funny!" I yelled as I heard a noise near the door

"Who's in there..." I whisper as I felt a hot breath in my neck. I was scared to turn around but I need to face my fears. As I turn around I saw a very huge wolf looking back at me with its red glowing eyes. Wait do wolf even have red glowing eyes I thought as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach where my scar had been.

"AHHH!" I yell as I ran as fast as I can. Once I got got out of the house I looked behind me while I was running and tripped myself with a branch wow nice going now there's a 90% chance I'll die.

"HELP!" I yelled as I crawled on the ground since I was loosing to much blood from the wound that "wolf" gave me. As the "wolf" came closer I started too panic so I there the closest rock I could and too my surprise it didn't hurt him instead it got him mad and he climbed on top of me and said "are you stupid" by this time I'm cramping my pants (not literally) since that "wolf" just fucking talked to me

"P-please don't h-hurt me" I said as my voice cracked

"Don't worry princess I don't need you I need Dylan" he said as his claws scratched my face

"Oh yeah then come get me!" Dylan said as he attacked him and once again every thing got blurry because of the loss of blood and soon I saw nothing as I fainted in Dylan's arms.

Later that night

I woke up with Dylan seeing me from across the run just sitting down in the chair and I realized that I was in the hospital.

"Dylan how did I get here" I said with a worried voice

" I carried you here..." He said not looking at me

"That wolf talked, how is that possible?" I said with a worried voice

"I don't know can you please keep it down I'll answer everything later just please get some rest" he said agin not looking at me

"Why aren't you looking at me?" I said with a serious tone

"Because... I can't stand seeing you like this, I was right I should've never tell you to give me your number...I just wanted to see what you were like but I didn't realize you were gonna get hurt in the way...gosh I'm so stupid I should've left thing the way they were and you wouldn't have been in this mess" he said looking at me with a concern face

"But I need my car...and I don't want you to blame yourself it was my fault I should've waited for you to call me but I thought you forgot about me or you were probably with your girlfriend but no I went in there and got hurt because I wanted to see you or know why you never called me" I said while blushing

" I would never forget about you, and I don't have a answer your question I was gonna call you but I had to help my friend Tyler with something and after that I was gonna call you Alice" he said with a serious face which was weird since he always smirks

"Well in that case it's all my fault and please don't leave my life you already tried that and you saved my twice now so thank you but can you please just stay with me" I said once again while blushing

"You're welcome and I'm not going anywhere unless because of me you get hurt" he said while he stand up to crease my check

"Good" I said while smiling

"Now get some rest...tomorrow we find your car" he said with a smirk. I decided to listen to him and smiled because he wasn't gonna leave me and I honestly don't know why I don't want him to leave me.


A/N: thanks for reading this book if you haven't already check out my other book and stay tuned for the next update in this book. Please like/comment and follow me or follow my Twitter account @teenobriens and please don't be afraid of telling me what you think of this book plus I'm sorry if this was a boring chapter but it will get there. Also if you didn't get that the "wolf" was a wear wolf well now you know and yes I'm adding Tyler posey in the book and yes he will be a wear wolf but he wasn't the mean one ok plus I wanted to add him so Dylan could have his best bud in there. As for the update it will be soon but I can't promise it will be out tomorrow but it will probably be put on by Friday hopefully anyways see in the next update.

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