Chapter 6

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Rachel's POV

As we start driving to the dorm I look at the beautiful view in Noah's convertible." Hey Noah can we stop by the best beach here? I love to surf. I brought my surf board and I heard the sand is so soft."

"Sure Rachel that's one of my favorite beaches ," Noah points to the beach straight across from me. The sun sparkled the beach like the moon shines the stars. We hoped out of the car grabbed my swim suit and walked out on the the beach. We both went to the dressing room I changed into a green dot bikini. I walked out of the dressing room the sun in my face the sand in my hair and I look over and see Noah with he's white smile with wide shoulder and that hot 6 pack, what am I doing I thought as I grab my board and walk to the water. I tripped on and rock and I let go of my board and it fell on my leg! I heard a crack,"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Rachel oh no what did I do!"

I was breathing deeply "Noah you did nothing I think I broke my leg call-"

"911 911!"

I couldn't think straight, I couldn't breath, where was Noah I see a blur of people's faces someone screaming,

"Rachel Rachel honey no!" My leg was on fire my heart was pounding my eyes were watering. I hear noises a big truck comes into my blurry view I see Noah's face worried and panicked he has tears coming down his eyes splash a tear falls on me my vision is still blurry but I can see better then before. I'm strapped to a gurney and they are about to put me in the ambulance when I reach for Noah.

"No ah co me plea se I ne ed you."

"Please can I go with her?"

"If that will make her happy, jump in."

We drove off to the hospital Noah's smile made my heart leap I could see now and his hair was filled with sand I realized his tooth was chipped a little,I could see his hair moving in the wind. I start to reach for Noah's hand I don't even know what I'm doing when... Noah grabs my hand. I feel perfect my hand got warm tingles Noah was perfect he was the nicest friend I had so far and hot too. I started to scream the pain took over my leg it hurt too much, Noah held my hand tight like I was a little girl ready to fall off a cliff. I was sent to the E.R. Noah waited outside the E.R it pained me to see his face sad and worried. He came in with pain in his eyes trying to make a smile for me.

"Do you want to be the first to sign my cast Noah?"


Noah's POV

As I was signing the cast someone walked in...

"Rachel I heard you broke your leg what happen?" Leo said pushing me away.

"Leo please I'm about to leave for my dorm the doctor said its just sprained, c'mon you ready?"

"All ready I'm glad your ok." All of a sudden Rachel gave me a big hug I hugged her back tight it felt amazing her hair flowing.

"Thank you for helping me your amazing, lets head to the dorms."

"This time don't stop at any beaches you two."

"Ok Mrs.Grace."

We walk to the car. Rachel kept hopping so I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to the car so she wouldn't hurt her leg again. We both laughed the whole way to the car. In the car we stopped by cavel and shared ice cream sundae in my convertible, and once we got to school I was disappointed that I couldn't see her anymore, I think I'm developing feelings for her.

***** Thank you so much for reading!*****

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