One, he is a dream demon and judging by the word demon he is immortal. Also Bill had a physical form when that whole apocalypse thing was going on, yes I know he turned to stone but bill could still exist in the mindscape.
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So here in the picture Bill's form has turned into stone because he's now in the mindscape, now going back to the statue he could be trapped back in his dimension until he's summoned again or is trapped there for good. In the picture he kind of looks like the statue he's frozen in!
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
"But he was erased in Stan's mind!!!1!!"
Just because he was erased in Stan's mind, doesn't mean he's been erased from existence. Bill STILL has his physical from, but because he was erased from Stan's mind means that he couldn't be able to get his 'body' back. Therefore he his either stuck between the mindscape and realty or he is stuck in the mindscape for good.