Satan and Shrek have sex.

58 0 5

I was tagged by PenelopeGalaxy

1.You gotta post the rules
2. You gotta have 13 facts about chu.
( Isn't 13 an unlucky number? )
3. You don't have a choice. *stares into your soul*
4. You gotta do this in a week or the tagger will run up to you and rip out your liver brutally.
( In other words you get a punishment )
5. You gotta post this in a book.
6 . You gotta tag 15 peeps
7. You gotta have a creative name for the chapter
( like mine )

1. I broke my right arm twice, my left leg once and almost cut off my finger

2. I hate everyone.

3. I'm right handed.

4. My mates call me Nate bc it's short for Nathan or Natalie

5. I dislike children.

6. I have two younger brothers who are twins
( S A V E  M E )

7. I'm a Aries ♈️

8. I'm an Atheist

9. I worship Satan as a joke.

10. No, I'm not in the illuminati.

11. I roleplay more than I read books.

12. I take my showers at night
( who would take them in the day? )

13. I HATE it when the pov in fanfics change every three lines.

Person A's pov-

Someone was shot.

Person B's pov-

I got shot

???????????'s pov-


I tag-







*Groans into the abyss.*

I can't think of anymore people.

Fuck it there you go.

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