Prolog: First Meeting

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     So this is another attempt at a book so far I think this one is a lot better then the other two I tried. I'm thinking that I should do more about the movies like what happens with her and her friends I'm not sure. Also some of the book might be rough to understand or might just not sound right. If you happen to find a part let me know so I can work on it. Let me know what you think....Thanks have fun....😋😋😋
Dang it. I'm so late for the movies. It most likely has already started or is going to start soon. Sending both Dana and her twin brother Jackson a quick message saying that I was almost there, whilepulling into the parking lot of the mall I stopped and pulled the Handbrake of my 1970 black Plymouth Roadrunner. It had a red stripe with black lettering that said HEMI on the trunk and rear side panels. It also had a twin turbo V8 that was a manual. Before getting out I grabbed my keys and my wallet that holds my phone and ran inside after locking the doors.
     Running inside through both set of doors I realized that I parked at the wrong movie section at the mall. Shit now I'm going to be even more late.
     Looking down at my phone to check the time I saw I had a message from Jackson saying that they already bought the tickets, the food, drinks and found us a seat, so all I had to do was give the ticket guy my name. Well that's good now I don't have to waste time buying everything and being more late.
     Glancing up I noticed I was a few stores away from the movie theater, but what I didn't notice was that I was about to run into what felt like a wall. "Well crap that hurt." I mumbled while rubbing my nose.
Looking up I noticed It wasn't a wall I ran into, but rather a person.
      Their arms were wrapped around my waist holding me up and keeping me from falling backwards. All I made out when I looked up was a wide hard muscled chest, that you got from years of hard labor. A dark blue button-down shirt that set perfectly on his covered hard chest
     His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows showing a slight peak of his muscles. With that I realized that guy had to be around 6'0 feet tall, because I had to look up from my 5'3 frame to be able to see his face and when I did I was blown away by his looks.
     He had the lightest blue eyes ever, they were so light they were almost an ice blue, but with of the shirt he was wearing they seemed a lot darker. They sparkled with a swirl of emotions, the easiest to see was surprise and shock.
     While studying his face I could tell he had a well but soft defined jaw line that was hinted with a five o'clock shadow. His nose was a little cricked probably from past fights. It most likely had been reset one to many times in his life, while his lips were gently plump and a dark rouge color.
     They were set into a natural soft pout, with his bottom lip slightly bigger than his upper lip making them very kissable. Covering his head was a mop of curls that was a deep chestnut color that had natural high lights in them. His long curls looked like they were a few weeks past being cut.

They also slightly curled when reaching the collar of the shirt and lightly fell into his eyes.
"Miss? Hello, are you okay?" Realizing that the deep husky voice was talking to me. While nodding and blushing I took a step back and that caused his arms to fall from around me. It felt weird not having his arms around me.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to run into you. I really wasn't paying attention to where I was going. By the way I've never seen you around here before. Are you from here by any chance?" He shook his head softly,
"Um...No...I'm down here visiting my family for the rest of the summer break then I'm heading down back to New York City." Noticing that that my phone was going off I saw I had five text messages two from Dana and three from Jackson.
'Katie!!!! Where are you? The movie is about to start. They're rolling the beginning credits. Hurry your ass up.'-Dana
'Kat I'm just seeing where you are. The movie just started.'-Jack
'Are you okay? It's been ten minutes. You didn't fall into the toilet or get kidnapped now did you? JKJKJK...LOL...Hurry the fuck up!!! Do not make me come get you and miss my movie!'-Dana
'Hey Kat where are you? Why won't you answer your text messages? We're starting to worry in here. Please reply so we know you're okay.'-Jack
'KATIE ANSWER THE PHONE DAMN IT!!!! Katie Nayna just left to go find you and she's not happy. When she came back she said she couldn't see you anywhere. I'm coming out to find you. I told her to stay with our seats while I come find you.'-Jack
"Well I gotta go, I kinda over worried my friends and now they're looking for me. I hope you have fun while here down here. Again I'm really sorry for running into you." With a ghost of a smile playing on his lips he uttered,
"It's fine, honestly, and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going either. Besides that I hope you have fun and be careful going without your friends. My name is Jase by the way. What's yours?" Smiling softly I stammered out "It's Katie," before running off to go meet Jackson and Dana. When I got to the entrance, I showed the guy my DL and then he nodded me on in. Walking up the ramp I have a feeling I'm about to be grabbed, not even a second later a hand clamps down on my arm and I grab the persons wrist and twists it behind their back and slam them against the wall laughing. "Nice reflexes girl. Where did you learn to be that fast and can you let me go now? It fucking hurts woman!" Giggling I let go and walk into the theater room to see a scary part come on causing a lot of girls to scream. I hear Nayna over everyone one else so I decided to sneak up to her to have some fun and whisper "I'm gonna get you, start running little girl". Stifling my laughter as she screams bloody murder I jump over the seat to her right as she looked to her left. "Katie you fucking bitch why would you do that to me!!!!" Raising my eyebrow her in question. "Don't even give me that look I know you were the one to do it." "Look your missing the movie guys. What gots y'all so distracted. It's over now."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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