Just a Puppet

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You open your eyes and see the other you again. You cross your arms and glared at your other self.

"Did you call me out here again?"

"....yes I did."

"What do you want now?!"

"I want to take over your soul. Why don't you just give in?"

"I'll never give in to someone like you. I'm not that stupid."

Your other self turns to you slowly and their head tilts on one side. You can feel a dark aura surrounding you and your other self looks intimidating. Your other self looks at you and grins widely.

"I guess I'll have to take it by
F O R C E......."

Some kind of glowing yellow string emerged from the tips of their fingers and your soul appears. Your eyes widen.


You ran away from them as far away as possible, but one of the strings had wrapped around both of your legs and dragged you back. More strings came to wrap around your arms.

"Did you really think you could escape from me?"

The strings wrap around your soul and tightly squeezes it. You cry out in pain and try to break free. The more you struggled the tighter the strings get. Your other self comes slowly up to you and whispers into your ear:

"You're under my control now."

                                                                             *Dream ends*
*Your other self P.O.V*

I open my eyes and get up. I see a strange skeleton besides me on the bed. Is she dating him or something? I look at my new body and decided to move around. I quietly got out of the bed and downstairs. I have finally found myself a new body. It's all thanks to this girl's parents. They were the only ones to make a suitable body for me. Now I can become the most powerful monster of the whole world! I'll be a GOD. Let's see what this girl's body has to offer.

I grow my horns, claws, and tail. Not bad, but let's try a little upgrade shall we? I head outside and found a wide open spot in a nearby forest. I try some powers. Some worked, but a few couldn't. I need the girl to cooperate with me to use full power.

*Your P.O.V*

I slam my hands against the barrier that kept me locked up in my soul. I couldn't return to my body. She's controlling me with her strings. I can't move. This isn't the real me. I have to break free! The strings kept me from moving my arms and legs. As long as the strings keep ahold of my soul, I won't be able to get my body back. She's using me like a puppet. If only I had something sharp enough to cut these strings. If I struggle the strings would get tighter around me making it even harder to move. If it gets any tighter, it can cut through my skin. I can't find anything to use to cut the strings with.

Maybe I can use my teeth? Will that even work? One way to find out. I tried biting on the strings, but it felt like steel. What kind of strings is she using?!

*Your other self P.O.V*

I climb up the trees using my claws and jump from tree to tree. It felt so good to be alive again. Trapped in here for so long. Now I just need to find some monsters. I am able to suck energy out of them, but they won't be able to die. It really is a shame. I guess I'll have to kill them manually. I can see that skeleton again. Looking through her memories, his name appears to be Sans. I guess he'll be my first test subject. Before I could take another step, I can feel my strings loosening around my fingers. Is she trying to escape? That's impossible. I tied her arms and legs. Unless...... she used her teeth! D*MNIT!!!!

*Your P.O.V*

I quickly chew off a few more strings before using my hands to rip the rest of it off. I can't let her hurt the other monsters. I see her back here trying to get her strings to hold me again. I back-flip and dodge them so that my hands and feet won't get caught. I'm kinda glad I was able to learn back flips. I didn't think they would be handy for this though. She looks irritated and picks up speed. Her strings were glowing a bright yellow now. This is getting dangerous. I use what little strength I had left and picked up speed. I ran straight towards her and wrapped my arms around her. She won't be able to move her hands now.

She tries to struggle out of my grip, but I hold her down firmly. Her strings disappear and she starts to growl.

"Let go of me you filthy human!"

"That's ironic seeing how you and I are the same person."

I can see dark hands wrapping around her body and pulling her back into the darkness. Her eyes seem to have widened.

"No! I won't submit to her! I'll never give in! Get your disgusting hands off of me! Nnooooo!!!!"

She was pulled into the darkness and disappears. Everything was quiet again. The strings around my soul disappears and I wake up lying in the snow. I try to get up and get a massive headache. I groan and hold my hand in both of my hands. Did she fall from the trees or something. My skull feels like it's going to split. When the pain lessens I get up from my position and look around. I'm somewhere in the forests. I can just follow my snow prints back to Snowdin. Gee, the forest trees are really tall. Literally. I felt my scarf fall off and I went to retrieve it, but I no longer had hand. They were paws. WTF?! I then hear a voice inside my head:

"I may have been trapped in the darkness again, but I can still communicate with you."

"Why are my hands paws?! Wh-"

"Hey moron, here's a little fact. You use too much power, you turn into a small cat."

"Why would I turn into a cat?"

"Are you that stupid?! Remember the picture? You father having horns and your mother with claw and a tail? Ring a bell anywhere?"

That's right! You remember the picture you saw in Alphy's lab.

(Picture on top is your other self and you can choose your cat breed)

Well that's just great. How were you going to tell Sans? You try talking:


"You're gonna have to wait until your powers regain. Until then, you're a cat."

You hear footsteps up ahead and see someone walking.......... Sans?

Corrupted Timeline: UF!Sans X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now