Chapter 2 - Eli

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I got to class only 10 minutes late and managed to slip into one of the seats in the front, undetected by the teacher.

I was so tired, I fell asleep at my desk.

"AURORA!", I heard someone shout. I jumped up startled and looked around, only to see that I was the only one in class and see my teacher staring at me.

"Class is over, Miss Waverly. I suggest you get to your next period."

I bolted out of the class as fast as I could and ran to my next class, getting there on time. I started to get excited because I knew that Eli was in this class with me. We've had English together since grade 9.

I sit and stare at the clock, until it's thirty minutes in and Eli is nowhere to be seen. I go to text him but realize I forgot my phone at home and grunt knowing I'll have to wait until lunch to see him now.


The bell rings, dismissing us. Even though the teacher is still talking I bolt out of there, I hear her screaming after me saying "The bell doesn't dismiss you, I DISMISS YOU MISS WAVERLY!" But I'm too far gone, I just want to go to my mate and hug him and kiss him.

I wait by Eli's locker until Hailey comes to join me and we start talking. I'm laughing at a story Hailey told me about a banana wearing pyjamas when I smell him. His lemony fresh scent makes me all warm inside as I turn to face him.

I face him with a big smile and wait for him to reach out to me but he doesn't.

"Eli?", I say, wondering why he isn't coming any closer. I take a step towards him and he steps back.

"Eli...", I say, trying to understand what's happening, tears starting to gather in my eyes as I look at him and he can't meet my eyes.

"Aurora..I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you. But I didn't want to lose you. You know you're the most important thing in the world to me. I don't want anyone ever, but you.", he says still not looking me in the eye.

He steps forward and embraces me and I'm still standing still, trying to figure what happened, why he said all that. That's when I notice it. There's no sparks. There's no tingles dancing across my skin as he rubs circles on my back and caresses my hair with the other. I don't feel anything other than the usual happiness when he touches me.

It sinks in...Eli isn't my mate.

I push away from him, tears still in my eyes.

"B-but how is this possible!!", I start, "Your birthday was last month and you were so excited to see me that day and I don't understand why-"

He cuts me off by kissing me, and I still get butterflies in my stomach when does it. He leans back cupping my face, "When I found out you weren't my mate last month, I didn't want to lose you Aurora, so I didn't tell you because I don't care if you aren't. I love you. I choose you. You are my sun, Aurora. My moon. And all my stars."

I look into his hazel eyes, and see how honest he's being and melt. He's right. It would have been great for him to be my mate and us to have been destined to be together but I know I love him and I choose him and that's stronger than anything fate had in store for us.

He backs away and looks me in the eye, searching for my answer. So I kiss him, I kiss him and grab the back of his head to deepen the kiss and try to tell him that I love him and I choose him with this kiss.

His tongue slides in between my lips and our tongue swirl in each other's mouths, tasting each other and accepting each other. We part, remembering that we're in the middle of the school hallway and I look at him and smile, he looks at me cautiously, not knowing if that was a goodbye kiss or not.

"I love you, Eli. I always will, mate or not. I choose you, Eli."

His eyes dance and glow with happiness and his face splits into a grin so big I'm afraid his face might break.

He kisses me again just as passionate and lays his forehead on mine, grabbing my hands and intertwining them between us.

"Aurora...", he says in that breathless way that makes me melt.

I sigh happily and bury my face in his chest. Eli, my Eli.

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