Pack Mistress - Chapter 10

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 My computer broke a few days back, it was like a death in the family, and I've not been able to upload. So this is just a short chapter to say,

A- I'm still alive

B- I'm still writing!

Chapter 10

Aiden P.O.V.

Thank god for small victories; to say I wasn't disappointed would be a lie. She was going back to her pack. But she had run from Marcus, to spend a few more seconds with me. Also, she gave me a time and place to meet her. She'd be there right?

And I kissed her, she kissed back.

I floated on a cloud of bliss, and for the moment I could pretend she was still here.

In till tomorrow night.

Kyrie P.O.V.

A smile stretched across my face as my father, blinked...blinked again...then gaped. Yep, he thought I was dead. Would pretending to be a ghost be immature? I thought so.

Luckily the man dad was fighting was either dead, or unconscious, because he would of been easy meat. He broke out of his trance and ran, headlong, towards me.

"Daddy!" I squealed, jumping up and down. I felt five all over again. He pulled me into a bone-crushing hug.

"Baby, your alive!" I exclaimed in happiness, realising me from the hug to look at me.

"Well I was before that hug." I laughed while rubbing my sides for emphasis. He chuckled the low and deep sound of my childhood.

"Are you okay? They didn't hurt you?" He question, his voice held rage.

"Nope." I calmed lightly, "but I would like to get home. See mom." I hinted for us to leave.

"Just one moment, I have to cut off Leron's head." He said in the same tone as a normal dad would say, "Just one moment, I have to get some cash out of the cash point."

"Too late." I muttered.

"What was that, Hon?" He asked absently wiping some blood off his bare chest, werewolves tend to rip there shirts within the first five minutes of a fight, a memory of mom yelling about him destroying yet another shirt through, "Pulling an Incredible Hulk and busting out the abs like presents on christmas"...God I missed my family!

"I'll explain later, just get everyone out. Please?" I added the please to make him think he had a choice. He did not.

He nodded, and I automatically put my fingers into my ears. A howl broke from dad's throat, the sound reverberated through the house- calling the Glacies Luna back. And judging by the unfamiliar passed out/dead people on the floor, we were winning.

Faces turned to us, once Dad's call had stopped. Confusion swept over the my pack members as they saw my face. Whispers broke out, "Kyrie, she's alive", "I thought she was dead?", "The Alpha's daughter is alive" and so on. 

"Wow Guys, would you look at this place!" I said looking around me dramatically- at the once grand hall being turned into the destroyed foyer it now was. "You'd think you were raised by wolves!" I said seriously, then laughter erupted between the pack and I. The atmosphere relaxed, and lead by father, we left the Ignis Vitualamenpack base.

I sent a silent goodbye to Aiden. Till tomorrow night.


Though I'd never admit it to her, Aiden's mom makes better cookies then mine. It was an unexplainable relief to see mom again. As well as my friends, and family; both wolf and blood. The party was held in my honour, and I had yet to have a moment alone to talk to dad. Though I'm not sure yet how much to tell, that I was kept in a cage? That I was Pack Whore? That I plan on helping their pack, with or without him? That I'm completely in love with an Ignis Vitualamen boy?

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