Pack Mistress - Chapter 12

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 Chapter 12

Aiden P.O.V.

"I'm joining the Ignis Vitualamen pack."

Wait! What! Was she serious? My pack is in turmoil right now! Dean is our new pack leader, I'm tolerant of him being a jerk to me, but I wont allow him to hurt Kyrie, and bringing her straight to the beast is out of the question.

"No." I allowed no indecision to enter my voice. Kyrie is too precious to me.

"But-" She started.

"No Kyrie, I wont allow you to join our pack, it's barely functioning. And I can't offer to move my family to your pack. I sort of feel responsible to Ignis Vitualamen members. My dad would never allow me to leave." I spoke reasonably while extending my arms out to caress Kyrie's face. "I'm sorry." I pressed my lips to her forehead.

"You don't honestly believe I'm going to let this go that easily, do you?" She said flatly.

"Nope...but I live in hope." I chuckled, my face close to hers. I breathed in her sent of lilacs and orange blossom, as I prepared to say good night.

"Tomorrow night?" Kyrie asked which brought a smile to my lips.

"Always." I replied.

"And the night after that?" She answered, a slightly bitter edge slipped into her voice.

"Always." I said firmly.

"For a few hours?" She answered hopelessly.

"Any time is better than no time." I responded fiercely.

"But for how long? When are you going to decided I'm not worth it?!" Kyrie snapped.

"We'll figure something out, but I can let you join our pack, not right now." I answered, anticipating the course of this argument.

She sighed, then wrapped her arms around my neck in a hug. "This kinda sucks." Kyrie complained against my neck, and I wound my arms around her waist.

"This doesn't suck too bad for me right now." I smiled sadly against her shoulder, and planted a kiss. My smiled widened as she shivered.

"I better get going, no more staling." She pulled out of our embrace, living me a little colder. Kyrie walked away into the now dark woods.

Yep, this defiantly kinda sucks.

Kyrie P.O.V.

I looked back, was it just me, or the sudden unwelcome darkness, or does his face looked almost completely healed? I carried on walked, leaving Aiden behind.

I still hadn't told him! I should of, but I can't! I can't hurt him, there has to be another way.

I have to make dad agree to help the Ignis Vitualamen pack, then I can join their pack. Maybe Aiden never needs to find out!

My night vision had kicked in and I saw each branch clearly, so I allowed myself to sprint. The house came into view and I slowed to a walk, this whole situation is so impossible.

Dad would never understand how I feel.

I entered the house quietly, nothing like a house full of werewolves to make you step silently. I avoided the front door and entered though the back door into the kitchen. I creped in, that was in till the lights came on reviling my mother -in dressing gown- looking less than pleased.

This situation just got more impossible...


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