Chapter 8

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The girls closed their eyes as the light shone in their eyes. When they opened their eyes they were shocked at what they saw.

"Oh my gosh~ we're...." Hikari started to say.

"Mermaids!" Yukiko said said.

"This is so cool...I guess we adjust to some of the worlds we go to." Kimiko said.

"Oh my gosh I'm a mermaid! I like this, can I stay here forever?" Yukiko said.

"Unfortunately for you, no...come on we have to see if we find Riku or Kairi." Hikari said.

"Aww man...yea...we have to go back to the island soon."

"It's okay Yuki, while we're here we can enjoy being mermaids." Kimiko said.

"Okay" Yukiko said.

The girls swam around and saw how beautiful the ocean reminded Yukiko of when she used to swim at home and pretend she was a mermaid collecting shells. She loved the water ever since she was a child. If she could she would live in the water.

The girls soon ran into some heartless and started fighting some.

"HELP! Ariel where are you?" the girls heard a voice say.

The girls saw a small yellow and blue fish being attacked by the heartless and sprang into action. The little fish swam away as the girls fought off the heartless. Once they were all clear the little yellow fish peeked his head out.

"Hey there you can come's safe now." Hikari said.

The little fish swam out slowly.

The little fish swam out slowly

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"Th-Thank you." He said.

"You're welcome" the girls said.

"Who are you guys...I have never seen you here before."

The girls introduced themselves and he told them his name was Flounder.

"It's nice to meet you Flounder." Kimiko said.

"What are you doing out here all by yourself?" Yukiko asked.

"I'm looking for my friend Ariel...she's always looking for things from the human world."

"Oh? Well we can help you find her." Yukiko said.

"Yea...we'll make sure you're safe" Kimiko said.

"Really?!" he said happily.

" lead the way" Hikari said.
The four of them swam around in the ocean. Yukiko was loving how beautiful everything looked. The little fish swam faster.

"There she is over there!" he said.
The girls followed and saw a young mermaid with long red hair.

"Ariel!" he said swimming toward her.

"Flounder!" She said spinning him around.

"Ariel...these mermaids saved me...they're really nice."

"Oh? Hello there I'm Ariel."

The girls introduced themselves.
"Flounder told us you were looking for things from the human world." Kimiko said.

"Yes! I want to go there someday...see there's this guy...but daddy would never allow it so I just collect things I find on the shore and pretend that I'm there until one day I can go...but I'm a mermaid and he's human...I wish I could be human."

" be completely honest...we're...actually human." Yukiko said.

"You are?! What's it like?!" she asked.

"It's nice I guess...we're not really used to being anything else to compare." Hikari said.

Ariel giggled...she found the girls interesting, she wanted to know more about what it's like to live out of the ocean. The girls shared their story about their Island. Ariel and flounder loved it.

"Oh that all sounds wonderful." She said.

"I wish we could see it." Flounder said.

"I wish I could live under water...I've loved the water ever since I was a child." Yukiko said.

"Being a mermaid isn't all that great...then again maybe being a mermaid my whole life I kind of get tired of seeing the same place all the time."

"I guess to us it's cool because it's new...but to you it's an everyday thing." Hikari said.

"I wish we could help you live your dreams" Kimiko said.

"It's okay...someday maybe Daddy will have an open mind and allow me to see what it's like."

The girls smiled.

"ARIEL!" they heard in the distance
They saw a small red crab swimming frantically.

"Hello Sebastian" she said.

" king wants you bedda not be looking into dat human stuff anymore." He said.

"Actually..." she started to say.

"She's been with us...we're from another ocean and we got lost...she and Flounder were just showing us around." Yukiko said covering for her.

"Oh? And where might you be from?" he asked.
The girls were nervous.

"Sebastian! That's no way to treat our guests...tell daddy I'll be home soon." She said.

"Well you betta king put me in charge..i'll be in big trouble if you don't come home." Sebastian said swimming off.

"No worries I'm right behind you...well I must was nice to meet you three...feel free to visit Atlantica anytime you want." She said.

"Bye Ariel, Bye Flounder!" The girls said.

The girls swam back toward where they landed when they saw two green eels swim by.

The girls swam back toward where they landed when they saw two green eels swim by

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"AH! Snakes!" Kimiko said freaking out and swimming away.

"Kimi wait!" Hikari said swimming after her.

Yukiko swam with Hikari when one of the eels grabbed her and both wrapped themselves around her covering her mouth as well. She struggled but they were too strong. They shocked her lightly causing her to pass out.

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