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"Would you like some tea?"

I continued to walk looking at the trees and how odd looking their branches were. As I was walking I heard someone faintly yelling.

"I'm LATE! I'm LATE for a very important date!" I followed the sound of the panicked voice until I found a table with a lot of food on it, a lot of chairs around it perfectly aligned but only a man and a rabbit sitting down.

"Calm yourself little rabbit." The man spoke to the rabbit. The man had a big hat and orange hair and he had pale snow skin. The man was speaking to the rabbit who I followed down the rabbit hole with the ticking watch who seemed to be obsessed with time.

"CALM, YOU WANT ME TO BE CALM?!?" The rabbit with a watch yelled panicking some more, the little rabbit started to hyperventilate.

"Hi, excuse me...I didn't mean to interrupt I just....don't know where I am going." I walked forward watching as I caught the attention of the white rabbit and this odd looking man.

"Well sit down, little or shall I say big girl." The man smiled at me. I smiled back at him as I took a seat down at the table. This man looks so familiar to me I just don't know who he is.

"Would you like some tea?" The man offered me extending his hand waiting for me to take the tea cup. I slowly grabbed it out of his hands, I wasn't sure if I should drink it or not I just held the cup in my hands. I didn't dare to put the cup on my lips and force the liquid in my mouth.


"Now, who are you?" He asked, curious of this strange girl who interrupted.

"Alice." I responded. Once I said my name the man started to get excited, he jumped up and down, then stood on the table walking toward me stepping on all the food. He bent down when he got to me.

"Oh, Alice have I missed you! It's been a long time since I've seen you. Oh it's so good that you're back." He laughed but I just looked at him.

"You don't remember me?"

"Nope." I answered.

"Well, I'm The Mad Hatter."

"Oh you're....still not ringing a bell." I spoke, if this was the Mad Hatter he looked....different. The Mad Hatter I remember didn't have orange hair and he didn't have pale snow skin.

"Well, let's get me to ring a bell." He jumped down.

"Oh now I'M REALLY LATE!" The rabbit yelled.

"Relax, have a cup of tea and it's okay if you're a little late. Everyone is a little late sometimes. Plus, time doesn't exist." The Mad Hatter told this little rabbit.

"But, but the Red Queen..." The rabbit trialed off, this caused me to choke on my tea.

"Alice are you okay?" The Mad Hatter asked me.

"But she tried to-" I started but was cut off by The Mad Hatter.

"Kill're right, maybe you do remember this place." He smiled.

"I'm glad that I came back here because no one believed me in my world." I told The Mad Hatter.

"They think that you are crazy, don't they? That it's all in your mind. But you can't escape your mind Alice, and sometimes, that's what makes you crazy."

"So I'm crazy?"

"Oh no, you're not...just mad. You have a little spark of madness in you Alice, you mustn't lose it."

"Well, I want to find a way so people in my world know that I'm not crazy."

"You can find what you really want to find." The Mad Hatter jumped on the table again.

"Okay what about The Red Queen?"

"Oh you don't find The Red Queen, Alice. The Red Queen finds you." He finished.

Alice In Horrorland *FINISHED* {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now