*Surprise ;)

2K 27 15

A/N: Sorry not sorry guys


-Max's P.O.V.-

Man I'm so tired.... Who would've thought escorting just two women would be so EXHAUSTING. I walked into the guild and walked straight to the bar where I spotted Warren. I took a load down next to him and let out a sigh. "Can I have a drink, Mira?" I said, putting my elbows on the bar. "Sure Max!" She said and went to prepare it. I rest my head down on my arms and try to rest a little.

"Hey dude, did the job turn out fine?" I heard Warren ask me.

"I don't think what I went through is worth the 500,000 ."

Then I heard him laughing as he pat my back. I looked up at him with a blank expression. I just continued to rest my head on my arms until I feel a nudge on my hand. "Here you go Max!" Mira said with her usual smile as she handed me a mug filled to the brim with booze. I take the cup in my hand and down it in one gulp.

"So what even happened on the job to make you so exhausted?" I hear Laki say as she takes a seat next to me. "I mean, it's only an escort mission anyway."

"No you don't underSTAND those woman." I replied back as I hand my mug to Mira motioning for a refill. "They are the most pretentious, stuck up, helpless, overconfident women I have met in my LIFE." I remember back to the mission. With they're constant talking in the carriage, their need for stopping at every unnecessary stop, and the fact that they're, I don't know, COMPLETE AIRHEADS.

"Oi you shouldn't talk about the mayor's daughters like that." Warren said.

"He's right!" Laki stated. "You should watch what you say."

"Ahhh I don't care." I honestly didn't. Mira handed me a 2nd round of booze as I easily downed it like the previous ones.

-1 hour later-

16....? 17.....? Crap I don't even remember how many mugs I've had. Cana keeps yelling something like a drinking contest with me but I know I can't drink her under the table.

A headache slowly forms as I feel the alcohol taking control now. I feel all amounts of groggy now. "Are you okay Max? You should stop drinking now." Mira cautioned with a concerned look on her face.

"I'm fine, I'm just gonna go to the bathroom." Light headed, I stand up and stumble my way to the bathroom door.

I opened the door, closed it behind me, and immediately locked it. I go over to the sink and take a look at myself in the mirror. God I look like a mess. My hair sticks up in different directions, I can see dark circles forming under my eyes which probably didn't help with the fact I've been losing sleep, my clothes are loosened up, and over all I'm a mess.

The longer I look, the hazier my vision becomes. I feel completely worn out now. I take a step back but tripped over my own feet and fall onto something very stiff.

I look down to see a broom. Weird...... I take the broom in my hand and look at it. 'Interesting....' I thought to myself. I don't remember what happens next.

-30 minutes later-

I wake up on the bathroom floor in Fairy Tail. 'What was I doing...?' The effects of the alcohol is still in my system but I can slightly manage to take control now. A knock is heard on the door. "Max, are you okay in there? You've been in there an awfully long time." I hear Mira on the opposite side of the door.

"YEAH I NEED TO GO NOW." I hear Natsu yell as I hear rapid banging on the door. The noise irritates me as my headache is still present.

But then I felt a weird sensation occurring in my lower abdomen. I look down to see my pants are lowered and a broom is sticking profusely out of my butt. "What the shit....?"


IM TOTALLY NOT REGRETTING ANYTHING JUST SO YOU KNOW. I just wanted to get this out so I can still be active. Super short I know but making a one shot with a broom doesn't really work out for your creativeness. I know these suck but I'm trying. I'll try harder on the next chapter (hopefully). If you have any requests on pairings, let me hear. I'll probably release a Gruvia next but no promises.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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