Demons vampire

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You would think that vampires and demons would be best friends because, well, they are both seen as evil and unholy but no. Vampires and demons hated each other.

On one fine day one of the leaders from the demons and vampires met and agreed to end the fighting between the two and have a vampire marry a demon so that they would be an example, to show that the demons and vampires could live together.

Then that was were I came in. I was the daughter (still am) of the vampire that talked to the demon. My dad was a high up leader, one of the oldest vampires still alive, which then made me important. The demon that my dad talked to had a son and also the demon was a Lucifer, which meant he was strong and scary but had a friendly face.

I had gotten married to this Lucifers son but it wasn't like a normal wedding. Not at all because a normal wedding for a vampire and demon, soon to be Lucifer, would be silly. Lucky humans with their perfect wedding days. Instead of the kiss at the end our blood is put into a golden cup and then burnt with a blue flame. The joining of blood shows that we are joined and together for ever, we can never get married again or split up, the blue flame is for strength in the marriage and for a long lasting one.

I had only been married to him for a day, it hadn't been as bad as I thought but then again it had only been a day.

I hadn't moved in with him yet but I would be today and I thought about where he lived as I sat in class.

Yes, I'm a vampire in school.

The bell rang to sound the start of lunch which snapped me out of my day dream.

I sighed and stood up.

"Aria." I heard my name.

"Mmm?" I lifted my bag still half in my dream world.


I jumped and looked towards the voice. Lexi frowned at me.

Lexi was beautiful with long wavy blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She was flawless and her blood was pure. She was innocent in the sense that she didn't drink or smoke (that's why her blood was pure). She did party but she didn't drink, she had drank once but couldn't handle and hated it so she didn't do it again. She was tall and thin but not to thin. She didn't know that I was a vampire and I planned on keeping it that way.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you alright?" She frowned.

I smiled. "Yea. Now lets go before all the good tables are gone." I laughed.

We went to the lunch hall and sat down beside Lexi's boyfriend, Alex who had dark hair and big brown eyes. Unlike Lexi Alex drank and his blood was tinned with it. Even so he was fit, he played ice hockey, football and American football. He played for the schools American football team but I didn't know his position because I had no interest in the sport and didn't know much about it as I wasn't from America, lived there but wasn't born there.

Alex sat beside our friend Cami, she was pretty. She had long brown hair and grey eyes which sat behind her glasses. She was smart and kind and in my eyes the nicest human, I loved Lexi but she could be a bitch but can't we all. She didn't drink and never had which was good in my eyes.

"'Ello beautiful." Alex put his arm around Lexi.

She kissed his cheek.

"Here Alex, we need to go over some plays."

I knew that voice. I looked up beside Alex, to see who he was talking to and saw him. My husband demon. In my school. Standing at my table. Wearing the schools football jacket.

I felt stupid. How did I not know he went here!?

He looked at me and his eyes widened. "You." Was all he said.

"You." I stared back.

"You two know each other?" Cami asked.

"You could say that." He smirked.

My demon husband was called Luca and I had to be honest, he was one beautiful demon. His black hair looked naturally messy and his bright green eyes almost made you think that they were glowing. He had muscles but not too much, he didn't even need them he had the strength of a demon. He was tall, taller than me even if I was in heels.

They waited for me to say something. I stood up.

"I just remembered something. I'll see you guys later." I rushed out of the room.

Great the demon I was forced to marry goes to the same school as me. Joy.

Luca had picked me up from my house where I lived with my dad, brothers and some other vampires. He was bringing me to a house that was going to be ours.

I was scared but I didn't show him that.

"Tell me about you." He broke the silence.

"No." I said blankly.

"We have to get used to this so just tell me something about yourself." He snapped.

I huffed but then sighed. "My names Aria Frost, I'm 17, I was forced to marry you, I live with my brothers and yes 17 is my real age. What about you?"

"I'm Luca Caine, I'm 18 and a Lucifer that is married to a blood sucker."

"I'd rather be a blood sucker than a soul sucker." I snapped.

That was the last thing said until we got to the house.

The house was just a normal human home with a little front garden and a kitchen, and living room. It was a nice house. The kitchen had everything a kitchen needed and was black and red. The living room had a black leather couch with two black leather chairs to match, and a flat screen tv on the wall, it was white and black. The master bedroom was blue and....guess...what? Black? was blue and red. The master bedroom had a king size bed with a wardrobe built into the wall and a full length mirror with a dressing table. The other spare bedroom was just white with a single bed and a wardrobe. The bathroom was blue with rubber ducks on the wall which made me smile.

The whole house was lovely.

Night fell and it was time to sleep. Yes we sleep, demons and vampires. Vampires sleep for 6 hours but demons only sleep 4. We can sleep longer if we want but most didn't.

Luca walked into the master bedroom.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Going to bed." He gave me an annoyed look.

"Not in here." I snapped.

"And why not?"

"I am not sleeping beside you."

He got into the bed. "Then go sleep in the other room." He turned his back to me.

I glared at the back of his head.

I stood up and stormed out of the room slamming the door behind me.



I didn't really know how to start this but I gave it a shot either way...

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---this has been edited---

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