It was a Saturday morning. I was waken up by the loud noise of the door slamming. I woke up and went downstairs to check whether Seth had awoken from the noise, but he was sound asleep. I went upstairs to greet my husband and saw him with a message in his hand and a smile on his face. I knew it was something that he had to tell me about, so I immediately sprouted a smile on my face to assure him that I was ready for any news he had to give.
I sat, staring at the note Adam was holding across the table, not really understanding what made him so happy about the letter. He then looked at me with a serious look, and his smile disappeared. He then said " Sara, this is a note from the U.S. Navy. It's a note concerning me fighting in the World War." My smile disappeared. The idea of my husband leaving me to go fight in a war scared me down to my roots. After 10 minutes of silence, I said "Are you actually considering going to fight? What about Seth?" Adam's eyes had widened once I said Seth. He then said" You're right... but I need to do this for our country, they need me! Please tell me you understand!" I became extremely terrified and started getting thoughts about what could end up happening. I then said " I comepletely hate the idea of you leaving the family, but you have to promise me that you will come back safely, in one piece. We need you in this family. How am I even going to tell Seth? He is going to be devestated! You know that you understand him more than anyone else? How am I supposed to explain to our child that you left to go for war? we need to solve these things now. " Seth then told me, " I do understand that these are all problems that will only get in the way, but I really need to do this. I have a month before departure, so we will have at least that much time to figure everything out." I heard the footsteps of Seth as he was slowly walking up the stairs. I did not believe that it would be a good time to tell him about Adam going off to war, so I told Adam " Ok, we will settle all of this later. For now we should keep quiet, just until we feel its a good time to tell Seth.
We continued our day as normal as possible, and in the evening went on our afternoon walk in the National Park. Nothing seemed the same though... I still couldn't just pack in the idea of how it would be like to live without Adam and how it would work. What needed to be done needed to be done.
The days passed by swiftly, and in no time, a month had came through. On May 3rd, 1946, my Husband Adam was getting ready to be sent out to fight the World War. Before we left, Adam went down on one knee and told Seth" I'll be gone for a while because I have to help Howdy Doody and Patrick build a new home underwater! You think you can wait for me?" Seth then said with fascination in his eyes" Wow, really!? Do you think you can give this letter to Howdy Doody for me? Howdy Doody was Seth's favorite show. He would stay up for hours and hours, just watching Howdy Doody episodes over and over again, even if he already seen them!
I had told Seth to stay home because this was " adult business" and we didnt want him to be bored. So once we left Seth with an activity and a couple of chores to keep him busy and promised him after he was done, he could watch Howdy Doody. Adam gave him a long hug and a kiss on the fore head and we left for the train station.
On the walk toward the station, things seems pretty awkward. We barely uttered any words towards each other than "Good Morning" and "How are you feeling?" Im pretty sure we were both still wondering on how we can explain things to Seth. We arrived at the train station and I tried my hardest to control myself from crying, just to assure him that everything would be alright. He gave me a kiss and jumped on to the train, looking at me through the window. I told him "Come back in one piece! And make sure to send letters!" He shed tears as the train started moving for departure. I had just lost my husband.
Once an 30 minutes had passed since the trains departure, I chose to take a walk before I went back home, just to clear our my mind again. I got tired and returned on my way home to see whether Seth had finished his chores. When I got home, i unlocked the door and saw Seth, on the floor, crying over a note. My eyes widened. I began breathing harder and harder because I finally knew it was time. Seth looked up and said " Where did Dad actually go mom?"
I sat Seth down to explain to him what was going on. I told him that his father had gone off to fight a war and be a hero for the country! The thought of his Dad being a super hero made Seth happier. He then asked " Will he have super powers?" I said " Haha, no son, but he will be loved by the whole country for it. Seth then asked " When will he come back?" I told him " Im not sure, but it may take a while. Do you think you can wait for him?" Seth said "Yeah... I can wait. But why did he have to lie to me? He told me he was meeting Howdy Doody!" I said " He didn't want you to be worried. He wanted you to be happy and excited. But don't worry, i'm sure he will hand your message to Howdy Doody. Seth then finally asked ".. what if he doesn't come back?" I felt a sudden sadness struck my heart. I stuttered, "D-Don't worry. It'll all be f-fine. Seth's frown turned into a smile immediately and started jumping around yelling, " MY FATHER IS A HERO! THIS IS AWESOME!"
Historical FictionI made this book to show how life could sometimes be in different point of views. The life of Adam himself must have been a struggle due to war, and even though Seth and Sara weren't in the war, they still struggled with coping without having Adam a...