Beyond Capacity (BoyxBoy)

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           This is my first story, so I don't know if it would be any good. I tried my best, so if I could get feed back that would be great. I don't even care if no one votes, as long as I get feed back. I will continue only if I get at least one comment. (I will probably continue even if I don't. I'm ultra curious as to where this story might head -_^)

ONE COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I am kidding! Please don't feel that I yelled in your face if you read -___-*)



As though all the people who inhabited the room couldn't see the harm they were doing, they continued to set his fate by poking fun at the poor sap forced to sit in front of them all. He was only 11, so he couldn't understand why it was that they had chosen him to destroy. He was taught, however, that he was to always do as he was told, even if it meant his feelings were to be hurt. He sat there on the small wooden stool as he was reprimanded by the supposed authority figure as the others whispered and snickered awful lies about him. 'It will all blow over eventually' he thought, but as the day past on after that still the horrible children poked and teased him. When he arrived to his small seemingly quaint home, he was again punished by more 'authorities' that he had always called parents. His punishment was to endure pain brought from hard fist from his father and at the same time kicks in the ribs from his mother. His other siblings watched painfully, to frightened of their parents to help their helpless brother. After what seemed to be forever, his mother and father stopped the painful abuse and continued with what they were doing before the troubled 11 year old arrived home from school. Covered in blood and bruises he slowly emerged from the tan carpeted floor, and limped to the restroom to clean the blood and cover the now opened wounds that scattered acrossed his broken body. As he was finishing up, he caught glimpse of a shiny object laid next to his fathers bathroom supplies. He reached for it, and held the tiny sharp object by the handle in his soft hands. He knew his father had more, and that he wouldn't miss it if he took it. He walked over to the sink and hovered his arm over it. He then placed the blade to his wrist and began to slide it against his skin. It stung him, and he couldn't completely understand why he continued to cut the sharp blade to his fragile arm. He sliced until he realized the sink was now filled with a mass amount of thick dark red blood. The site of it made him feel sick and grow pale. He wasn't finished though. He hobbled over to the medicine cabinet, and quickly searched for a bottle. When he found what he was looking for, he opened the small white bottle and emptied it into his unbloody hand. He grabbed a small Dixi cup from beside the bloody sink and filled it with cold water. He took the handful of pills and dropped them into his mouth one by one, while drinking from the cup each time. After a short while he had gotten very tired so he turned to the bathtub and stepped into it. he laid down while he rested his head on a black towel that he had folded into a nice little pillow. He began to sing a song that he had never heard of before, as he drifted into his deep eternal sleep.

Sleep sleep. It's all I have to keep.

I rest my head, and soon I will be dead.

So all I can do now is sleep.

The lyrics flowed through his soft lips, into the nothingness that surrounded him. He could hear voices coming from around his house hold, but he blocked them out and closed his eyes. Now he heard nothing. For once in his entire life, he felt at piece, until he heard it. An ear piercing scream he could only recognize as his older sisters rang through his ears. He wanted to get up and tell he to be quite, because he was trying to sleep, but he could open his eyes. He could move his head. He couldn't move at all. But then it stopped. It all stopped. He couldn't think anymore...


That's it. Like I said, at least one comment. Also if someone could make me a new cover, that would be great. The one I have now is from my sucky Photoshopmanship...... Is that even a word? Well now it is.

This episode was brought you today by the letter C.

C is for cookie, that's ok with me ^_^

(It's also for Capacity 0_0)

Ok I will be gone now 

Beyond Capacity (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now