chapter 1). Talk to us.

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"Come on Ray. Please? Talk to us." I have been hearing the same damn thing for around 7 years now. I have absolutely refused to talk to these ass-holes in 'small group'. Everyone in in here has just tried to kill themselves, but got scared when they failed and realized they had almost lost their lives. Well, everyone except for that dick head Gates. He had just 'thought' about it, and called his parents and told them. They took him from the all boys academy he attended and dumped him here. In a way I feel slightly bad, since he's only 16. I was 11, but my parents always hated me. He was always their star pupil only kid, but when he told them he was thinking of ending it they were all 'you are no son of mine blahrge morrow hoffin!!!!!!!!...' Yeah they weren't very nice about it. He hasn't told us why he wanted to end it though. Unlike me, I haven't told them shit. Not why. Not how. Not when. Not what. Not shit! Today is my last day here since it's my 18th. I can tell them now.

"Fine. Hi, I'm Raymond Barch, or I was till my fam disowned me. You all know how that is." Everyone chuckled and nodded slightly. Everyone except the counselor and the guards stationed at the doors for the few kids who tried to kill themselves after they committed murder. Those ones never get out. "I go by Ray. I tried to kill myself when I was 11, because I was brutally abused everyday. I was raped from front AND the back from both of my folks repeatedly. I was beat up, and picked on horribly at school. In detention I got raped by the old nasty principle. And my only friend ever was kidnapped by my nasty ass neighbor who did some gross shit to him. He was just a puppy." I finished my sad little tale with the rolling of my eyes as I thought of Bruno, my only pet my parents ever let me keep. I found out what happened to him when I heard noises coming from my neighbors cellar. I was freaked out, and when I heard a high yip I knew what happened to my dear doggy. I screamed and ran to my mom who was in the kitchen. She was trying to make some health food for pregnant people so my baby brother wouldn't come out fat (she was stupid). She asked why I was screaming like a psycho, and I told her the horrible truth. She called the police and stuff went down. They tried to give Bruno back to me, but he was all scary eyed and he tried to bite me. Eventually they gave up, and took him to the vet to be put down. A week later is when then beatings began.

I looked up to my audience. I had almost forgotten that they were there. The other boys just stared at me with wide eyes, except for one. Gates looked at me with eyes that seemed to want to just hug me, so I glared bitterly. I looked to the counselor. She was an elderly women, maybe reaching her mid 60's. She was definitely not caring for any of us, but today her eyes showed concern. She began to write extremely fast on her notebook she had place on her knee that she had folded over the other. When she was done she swiftly clicked the end of her red pen. She looked up, and as though a wave of bitterness had struck her, she moved her attention to everyone else but myself.

"Thank you for sharing with us Ray. Does anyone else want to share?" She spoke in an a sarcastic tone. She hates her job, but she would never quit since she makes $4000 a month. She turned her old devilish glare around the room, hoping to find no one so she could go home. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Gates fidgeting in his seat. He slowly raised his hand, and the old hag snarffed (a word I made up for made) a weird sound and said, "Alright, you can be the last one of the day."

He sighed deeply and nodded. He pushed back a few strands of his luxurious, jet black, locks that rested on his fore head. What? Just because I hate him doesn't mean I can't think he's hot. I'm gay! (That's what happens when you've had it in the butt more than the front) I watched just as the other boys did as we patiently waited for his words.

"I'm not only in here because I thought of suicide." He began. "I begged to be let out of the all boys school so I wouldn't have to be picked on for being gay. I had to admit my sexuality to my mom and dad and they didn't like it, so I was sent here." He ended his short confession at that. Well son of a bitch! I guess it's ok for me to check him out.

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