Chapter 16

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Katalina's POV
I watched Annabel jump in her spot in front of me, making me feel a twinge of guilt in my stomach. How could I have done that to her? How could I have made her leave her father because I didn't want to be around him?
Annabel wasn't safe around him, a dark side of me said.
Yeah, wasn't, the other side said. Now you guys can live together and move on.
   "It's not that simple." I muttered to myself.
   "Hm? What was that?" Spencer asked from beside me. I immediately felt my face go hot.
   "Nothing, just thinking to myself." I muttered. He gave me a look that made me knew he didn't believe me, before facing the front when the elevator dinged. Before we could move a limb, Annabel was out of the elevator in a blink of an eye, calling out for her aunties and uncles. Guilt came crawling back inside of me.
   Spencer and I made our way in the bullpen to see Annabel already surrounded by most of the team. Penelope was there, Derek was there. . .Emily and JJ were there. I may or may not still hold a grudge towards those two.
   "Oh Annabel!" Penelope was saying while Spencer and I made our way to them. "You look like your mother everyday!"
   "With your brains from your father!" Derek added with a smirk, ruffling her hair.
   "Nah, I think she has the brains from her mother as well." Spencer spoke up, giving me a small shy smile, scooping his daughter up in his arms. I'm still surprised that he could lift our six-year-old daughter, when you see him as a lanky, skinny, weak guy. Never judge a book by its cover. . .
   "Katalina!" Penelope squealed, bringing me into a hug. "Oh how I missed you and mini Kat!"
   "I know, I missed you too." I said with a chuckle, pulling away from the hug eventually.
   "So why didn't I hear from you or get any visits?" she asked me, before regretting it instantly, her hand flying to her mouth. Everyone was quiet.
   I stared at the ground with a frown. "You know why." I said quietly.
   "Kat-" JJ started to say.
   "Reid, Katalina." I turned around and saw Hotch with David. They gave me a smile, though in their eyes held sadness and pity. I mentally thanked them for their interruption.
   "Hey guys." I said, giving them a small smile.
   "We're ready." David told me.
   "Wait, ready? Ready for what?" Emily asked us.
   "You haven't told them yet?" Spencer asked the two men. They shook their heads in reply.
   "We decided to let you two decide if you want to tell them." David told us. Not wanting them to be pulled into my mess, I refused.
   "Um, maybe not -"
   "Yes." Spencer said immediately, cutting me off.
   "What?" I turned to him in disbelief.
   "They need to know." Spencer said firmly. I shook my head in disagreement.
   "No they don't." I said just as firmly. "They don't need to be pulled into my problems -"
   "Kat, you are being hunted down along with our daughter." Spencer said, his arm tightening around Annabel. "No way in hell am I losing you two again."
   "Seriously, what's going on?" Penelope demanded frustrated.
   "It's Katherine." Spencer said before I could say anything.
   "Spencer!" I exclaimed.
   "What!" they chorused.
   "We definitely needed to know that." Penelope said. "Kat, why don't you want us to be in this?"
   "Because this is my problem, not yours." I simply said.
   "There's got to be more than that." she pressured. How right she was. But I didn't want them to be involved in this though. I don't want to do something rational, like fake my death like what Emily did. That's because she had people she cared about. Obviously Katherine knows about the team, but if I don't include them, then Katherine could think that I don't care about them, and won't bother with them. That's a chance for me to know that they would be safe. But no, Spencer had to open his mouth.
   "Look, this is my problem, not yours." I told them. "Like what they said, this is my decision. And I decide, that you guys don't need to know."
   "But Kat. . ." Emily gave me a pleading look.
   "It's not just your decision, Kat." Spencer said, staring at me with an annoyed look on his face. "It's mine as well. Our daughter is involved, and I have a say. I am also your husband."
   "Katherine is my twin sister." I said back. "She's my flesh and blood. Besides," I added, saying the most unforgivable thing ever, "you haven't acted like a father or a husband for seven months." That silenced everyone. I expected Spencer to get sad like those other times, but this time, he was pissed. He glared at me and gave Annabel to Derek.
   "Listen!" he snapped, taking a step towards me, jabbing a finger on my chest. "I am trying, okay? I'm. Trying. I am trying to make things up after those seven months. I know the way I acted those seven months were bad, okay? It's my fault that I didn't go to you and instead went to someone that secretly knew that Prentiss wasn't dead -" JJ winced from the corner of my eye "I know it's my fault that I barely spoke to you and Annabel. I know it's my fault getting you stressed and making you lose our child - I get it! It's my fault we're getting a divorce after this - IT'S ALL MY FUCKING FAULT!" he roared. Everyone was silent; the whole bullpen staring at us now. The team stood there quietly, their mouths agape. Mine was the same, though I quickly closed it. It was then that I noticed how much pain he was in. It was true; he was trying his hardest to get me to forgive him, he regretted his actions those seven months - why can't I forgive him?
You didn't expect to be betrayed by the one person you thought would never betray your trust, that dark voice spoke in my head.
No, I realised. It wasn't his fault. It was mine.
   "It's not your fault." I whispered, startling them. "It's mine." It made so much sense now. Spencer immediately lost all anger, and stared at me concerned.
   "No it isn't -" he started to say.
   "No, Spencer, it's true. It's all my fault." I pulled him into this mess. If I didn't meet him that time when we were little, he wouldn't have been pulled into this. If I just listened to my sister and kept away from him and not develop feelings for him, she wouldn't be out seeking revenge on me. It's all my fault!

"It's all my fault."

Her Heartbreak (Sequel to His Best Friend) *slow editing*Where stories live. Discover now