Chapter 28

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A/N: Surprise peoplez!! Get ready for some feels

Katalina's POV
During my unconscious yet conscious state, I listened as people would enter and tell me their day, always telling me to wake up soon while they were at it.
I especially listened to how Annabel and Spencer's day went. It also made me realise how making him file the divorce was completely stupid. He loves Annabel, and he loves me - he proves it. Everyday he would tell me the three words and then tell me to wake up. He'd tell me all the things he loves about me - and wow, it's a long list.
Annabel tells me how her day is, also telling me that she loves me, and she would especially apologise for acting so rude and mean to me those months ago thinking I tore our family apart.
I really want to wake up. Now.
It seems God heard my wishes, because the next thing I knew, I could feel a warm hand in my left. I could feel my eyes moving underneath the eyelids. I could feel my chest rising and falling with every breath I take. I could feel my nose scrunch up in an attempt to get comfortable.
But at the same time, I can feel something being taken away from me.

My memories.

Flashes of what has occurred the past few months is fading. I can barely remember the fight with Katherine. I can barely remember agreeing to stay with Spencer at the apartment in an attempt to look out for Annabel and I. I didn't want to lose my memories; memories that made me realise that filing for a divorce with Spencer is a very bad thing. Something that I'd regret in the future.
But it was no use, darkness was reaching me sooner than I thought.


Spencer's POV
I entered the familiar hospital room with Annabel at my side, both of us holding a tulip each. One of Kat's favourite flowers.
We placed it in the vase beside her bed with the dying flowers, both of us sitting on each side of her. And like usual, we told her how our day went, telling her how much we loved her and wanted her to wake up. And for once in our life, something went as we planned.

Her hand moved.

I sat up straighter in my chair, staring at her hand in disbelief. "Kat?" I called out to her. "Kat, can you hear me?" Her hand twit her in response. "Oh my God. . .Annabel, did you see that?"
"Mummy!" Annabel stared at her form hopefully. "Mummy, are you waking up?"
"I'll go get the doctors." I quickly rushed outside to get the doctors.


Third person's POV
That day was an eventful day. As soon as Reid left to call the doctors and nurses, Kat started to gain conscious as time went on. Annabel sat in her chair eagerly, watching her mother with hopeful eyes.
Meanwhile, while Reid was getting doctors and nurses, he was calling the team excitedly. He explained to them what was happening, hearing them say they were on their way. Just when he hung up on them, he could hear his daughter calling out for him.

"Daddy, she's awake!"

"Kat?" he felt hope bring him back to life again. He started making his way to her, past all the doctors and nurses that were assessing her. "Kat!"
He finally reached her side, grabbing her hand in his. He placed kiss after kiss on her hand, crying tears of joy.
"Oh Kat," he sobbed, "I thought I lost you!"
"W-What happened?" she asked with furrowed brows. She swallowed when her throat felt dry. A nurse came to her and helped her drink some water. "Where am I?" she asked in a stronger voice.
"You're at the hospital, dear." the old nurse told her kindly. "Do you know what the last thing you remember?"
"Yeah. . ." she frowned in confusion, staring at Reid weirdly. She pulled her hand away from his, breaking his heart. "I allowed Spencer to stay the night at my apartment because of Katherine."
He felt the breath get knocked out of him. She only remembered that?
"Y-You don't remember moving back in?" he stuttered. "Y-You don't remember Katherine kidnapping you a-and almost killing you?"
"What?" she stared at him in disbelief. "What are you on about? I don't remember that."
"Kat, please." he begged. "You don't remember anything after that?"
"I remember making a deal with you about the divorce papers." she said. "Where are they? Did you sign them yet?"


The team rushed into the hospital, already seeing Reid sitting in the waiting room. They quickly went to him.
"So?" Garcia asked excitedly, nervously, "How is she? Is she okay?"
"She. . ." Reid sniffed, barely holding in a sob. "She doesn't remember Katherine's attack, or when she moved back in. She only remembers up to Rossi's dinner and when I slept over at their apartment." He looked up at them, the tears falling down freely on his face. "She wants the divorce papers by the end of next week. Sh-She wants me to sign them."

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is when Doctor Spencer Reid lost the love of his life and his heart.

Her Heartbreak (Sequel to His Best Friend) *slow editing*Where stories live. Discover now