Seth got in a fight.

44 2 0

Seth I was in a bad mood today. I didn't study last night and I got two big test today.  Which I know I am going to fail but I don't care. I put my shirt on and put pants on and grab socks and shoe and put them on. My first class is Math  and I have a quiz in  that class so I didn't care anymore I have a 76/C  I didn't study and I really don't care. I grab my backpack in walk to school Dean was sick and Roman  had to take cared of him. So My brothers isn't going to be there so I walk to Math I sat my stuff down.  Okay class  We will start you quiz so Jimmy please pass  the quiz. 

Seth got his and put his name on it. 

question 1  What number  is  missing 
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 

My answer  22

Question  2 10×3=

My answer  was 31   Correct answer 30 

Question  3   add 5 + 6  then
My answer 11  

Question 4 Add 10 + 13

My 24  correct answer 23

Question 5 7X9

My answer 39    Correct answer 63

I give it to the teacher. 

Then everyone gave there paper 

Okay class I will tell ya marks 

Seth 2/5  40%  correct scored 60%

Jimmy 5/5 100%

Kevin 3/5  60%  

Jey 4/5 80%  correct scored 100%

Aj 4/5  80% correct scored 100%

Nikki 5/5 100%

Brie 5/5 100%

Brock 5/5 100%

Big show 4/5 80%  correct score 100%

Homework Please pass it up.  There's three questions.  It for a quiz if you all have 100% on this I add 20 points to your quiz.  

Seth Homework 3/3 100%

Jimmy 3/3 100% 

Kevin 2/3  67%

Jey 3/3  100%

AJ 3/3  100%

Nikki 3/3 100%

Brie 3/3 100%

Brock 3/3  100%

Big show 3/3 100% 

reported cards here  

Colby Lopez

Math 76% 

English  54%

Science 89%

social studies  98% 

The bell ring it was English time I went to my locker and put my math book and it and took out my English  books.

Cm Punk Well well well Look who it is Seth Rollins. 

Seth What do you want punk? 

Cm punk You  own us Money Now were it is. 

Seth I don't own you shit so go the fuck somewhere else or get my fist in your face. I put my English books back in the  locker room. 

Cm punk the tough boy is being tough you can talk  trash but can't do it. 

I attacked him he fell I punch  him kick him he tried to get up but i curb stomp him I grab my English books and walk to English class  and being my work on the board.   I got done and put my work on my desk.  Mrs Brown We need Seth in the office. So I got up and went  to the office.  

Principal Anderson. Hello Lopez I  saw you attack a kid and we don't  except fighting in school  ground so we gotta called Roman u suspended 3 weeks. So  Anderson called Roman 

Roman Hello 

Anderson Hey This is the school principal I was wonder if you can come to school to pick up  Colby  tell u what happen when u get here. 

Roman Dean, I have to get our brother. 

Dean Okay I be fine.

Roman Okay  so I grab the keys and went to the  school I park there and got out. 

I saw Seth  sitting there looking  down  I look at him and went to  the principal office. 

Anderson Ok Mr. Leati  On my web cam  I saw him fighting he curb stomp the person. So We don't allow fighting and we are going to suspend him for 3 weeks. 

Roman Okay, That be okay,  So I went outside Seth  lets go. 

Roman I got  in the driver seat and Seth  got in the backseat I was thinking Why did he started fight and who he got a fight with. So I  was wonder we got to  the house Let go Seth go to your Room  I be up there to talk.  Seth I walk to my room I should of ignored it but I don't know what I was thinking.

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