attitude adjustment (part1)

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Seth POV
I woke up bad mood today. Guess what yep it school day and report card day today and plus 5 test today which I been studying but I know I'm going to flunk. So I got a black t shirt and black pants and black socks and shoes and put them on brush my hair and grab my backpack oh and roman doing online school so it only dean and Me that goes to the school.


I can tell there be trouble and for a 5 week Nobody had a spanking maybe a couple warning and that it is, but I think Seth might get a spanking today.




I came down and Seth run down the stairs and almost made me fall.



We do not run in the house. Don't do it again. This is a warning.

Seth Whatever I mumble.

Dean I heard that Seth I whisper to him. Now stop with the mouth before you get a spanking I whisper.


Okay guys You two are going to school and I know how to act and I main more to Seth so Please don't get in trouble okay. So Here are my simple rules and The principle and teachers knows the rules and what I do and they have permission to punish if it is serious and if you get a punishment at school you will get it here double what you get there so here the rules you need to follow.

1 no cursing

2 no talking back

3 follow directions

4 make A and B and C nothing below that

5 no fighting

6 No screaming

7 Do not flip people off

8 do not throw stuff

9 no attitude

10 Do well on your tests

11 Give me the report card so I can see what grade you have and see your notes

12 since there is lights behave I want you on green that is good.

13 show respect to any adults and children.

Seth Just glared and dean Just keep quiet.

Come on.

Roman we got in the car and Seth got in a back and dean in the front.

Seth I drop my phone on the floor.

FUCK I scream.


SETH WE DO NOT CURSE NOW STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


fuck off Anoa'i I said back


Okay, Fine that was two and I will talk to your principle and have him write a note to your teacher Now this is the last warning.

Seth got out and started running in the building.

Mrs James was standing there and stop me.

Seth you do not run in the school okay.

Seth Fuck off not thinking dean was behind a wall listen to this

Dean SETH ROMAN WARN YOU NOT TO CURSE AND IT THREE YOU DID IT NOW STOP IT RIGHT NOW OR I WON'T MINE dragging you down to the office and wait tell roman come out and said you curse again.

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