Purple Wedding

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Ronnika was woken early by hand maidens, and she was angry to say the least. She was not a early bird, that should explain everything. "Why do I've to get my early, it's not my wedding", she huffed as she took a bath. She got ready with help of the maids. She stared herself in the mirror, wondered how different she looked in a dress. Her dress was palest of green, it was backless till her waist showing off her skin. The dress had very light fabric with brilliant golden and green flowers stitched in it. The dress reached till ground, hiding her feet, showing off her color bones and bit of cleavage. Her hair was drawn down, one small braid on a side decorated with gold jewel that out shone in her brown hair.

She turned around getting her new cloak which was white in color, it corners stitched with beautiful golden patters, and looking closely she saw the sigil of her house, a direwolf. She wondered what her wolf would be doing back at Casterly Rock, she missed her Wild dearly. Before she could put on her cloak, her doors opened revealing none other than golden armored Jamie in Kingsguard uniform. "Are you ready ? We're going to be la...", his words faded when he saw her in pale green dress, holding the white cloak. He couldn't form words, she looked too pretty for a praise and wondered how old his little cousin has gotten, fitting her curves perfectly in that dress.

"What ? Do I not look good or something ? Green isn't good right ? I can change - but she got cut off by her cousin, " You look breathtaking.", he complimented and added," I might have to keep a eye on you so no one kidnaps you." 

Ronnika smiled at Jamie, he always knew what to say. She put on her cloak and made her way to Jamie, " Are we ready to go good, sir ?", as she offered her hand to him. " Of course, M'lady.", he bowed at her mockingly.

They walked the halls of the castle, and she wondered how quite it was as everyone was at Red Keep. " Did Cersei and everyone leave ? ", she questioned as they reached their chariot. 

"Yes, everyone has left and I think we might be late." Jamie complained to her, he knew she wasn't ball of sunshine in the morning.

They reached the Keep and raced inside, fortunately the ceremony hadn't started. They both parted ways, Jamie was standing aside, on guard. Ronnika walked her way in front, she spotted Sansa and Tyrion and a certain Prince in yellow behind him. She stood beside Tyrion giving him an accusing glare,"You didn't save me a place ?" 

"I did but got filled, maybe you should try waking up a bit early than a usual.", Tyrion commented sarcastically. Their little quarrel stopped when an another voice joined their conversation ,"Place by my side is empty. You can have it.", Oberyn said. Ronnika looked at him and then at Tyrion who just shrugged. Grudgingly she stood beside Oberyn's right, crossing her hands over her chest, huffing. It was awkward standing beside him in silence, but she was afraid to say a word to him. Which was quite new for her, she was never left so speechless.

The ceremony started in less than two moments, Joffrey was on top the steps with septon in front of him. The Keep's doors opened and Margery walked in with her Lord Mace Tyrell, chubby little bald man in green and blues. Margery had worn silver dress that had flowers on back of her dress, thorns decorated on her back symbolizing her house with her hair done up with silver crown in it. She looked beautiful, she looked like a queen. The ceremony began and Ronnika tuned out, until she heard Joffrey loudly declare, "With this kiss I pledge my love to you." She saw Joffrey kissing Margery deeply and claps went off, the only thing she could think of the kiss she had with man beside her.

People started leaving for the castle, but Ronnika stayed behind for awhile admiring the beautiful color tainted windows and the soft shadow it gave out. She wondered on the top of Red Keep looking down, thinking how Joffrey would have felt as he stood above everyone else with crown on his blonde head waiting for his queen, how Jamie would have felt seeing his son get married but couldn't address him as son, how Sansa would have felt seeing Margery in place meant for her, how Margery felt marrying her nephew and becoming the queen.

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