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Several years later.

Prince Amare Martell was a handsome boy with olive skin and black eyes that shined brilliantly, Oberyn Martell's firstborn son. To say that father and son were alike was an understatement, it was as if they were mirror images of one another yet, Amare was mama's boy. He greatly admired his mother, a feared beauty, even he couldn't not deny because he had seen men's gaze linger on his mother. It was disgusting and made his blood boil, it was probably his father where he got that short temper from, because even today her mother did not look like she aged a day, just like his father.

Amare sighed internally, shaking off his temper as he stabbed into his beacon. He could not afford to create a scene, firstly because Jon, his dearest little brother would be pissed with him and so would be his sister, Levana, who would not let him hear the end of it. Secondly, he could not create a scene when he was entertaining breakfast with the king and queen of seven kingdom's, not to mention his sister in law – Ronnika, daughter of Aegon and Daenerys Targaryen. Jon was to wed Ronnika tomorrow in rebuilt sept of Baelor in Kingslanding, the only reason he set foot in this shithole of the city.
To say the least, it was awkward for Amare because his little brother was marrying someone who was named after and named the same as his mother. His new sister would be, Ronnika, it gave him shivers in wrong manner. He wondered how his little brother fell in love with Targaryen princess even when she had their mothers name.  Ronnika Targaryen exact opposite of his mother, she had light silver hair, indigo eyes and shy mannerism. She was a lady with this light about her, the innocence and honey dripping about her and he knew why his little brother could not resist her. Plus, Jon and Ronnika since children, always preferred one another, always together, as if their pair were written in stars.

He knew the king loved his mother once and so, did his mother. His father had told him of their little romance as children when he was around thirteen and met the king twice. The king, Amare had then for the first time had noticed was a handsome man with warm eyes and gentlemanly air about him, something most ladies would prefer. Someone noble and just, nothing like his father who lived for passion, to do anything that ignited his desire. Oberyn Martell and Aegon Targaryen were entirely two different man, one was the Red Viper while another, the White Wolf.

Yet he was slightly grateful when the king did not push for betrothal between his brother and her daughter, especially after their names. He was grateful that this love was one with natural air, with instinct from the heart. He was glad, truly glad that his brother found his love and was getting married to her.

For once, first love did come true, he thought.

"Why has not Prince Oberyn, not joined on the occasion?" the question of dragon queen, broke Amare from his train of thought.

And it was true, his father had been missing from yesterday afternoon. He had heard no news of him and frankly he was too busy with Levana to even notice his disappearance. "I'm afraid, my husband can not join us for breakfast because he is resting, he was up late the last night." Lies slipped from his mother's mouth like wine and it was rather amusing to watch people get drunk on them as both the king and queen, hell, the entire table with his siblings just nodded away.

Rest of the breakfast went well, Jon and Ronnika were exchanging shy glances while Levana was busy chattering away with the crown prince, Rhett Targaryen who in all honesty was charmed and fancied his little sister. How could he not, unlike the brothers, his sister looked more like his mother, except for her black eyes from their father and even Levana was a proper lady, something of queen material. At last, it was a shame because the only person who Levana ever fancied was the Lannister boy, Juan Lannister, their pretty second cousin with green eyes and blonde hair, son of Jamie Lannister and Brienne of Tarth.

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