An Introduction

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This is an advice book for all teenagers like me. We all have to go through this phase of life when we will fight with our parents and siblings, have heartbreaks, have toilet paper stuck to our shoe, get hit in the face while playing throwball, have our dearest of friends leave us and go to someone more "popular" etcetera etcetera - a list of distress that can go on and on...

Please write to me and share your problems with me because I'm not one of those immature people who will think,"Oh-Mee-Gosh!! These people have nothing to think about other than this or what? Like how juvenile can these people be." I honestly hate those kind people.

And remember that it's not odd to have so many problems. Don't think that other people don't face these kind of things so you're abnormal or something. It's just that they're blessed with the art to cover it all up.

Please feel free to ask whatever you want. You DON'T have to mention your name and if you don't want me to put your ID, then I understand. But please remember to mention that you don't want your ID to be disclosed or else I may
put it up😓😓.

You can comment your problems or PM me.

Yours sincerely,
Miss Agony Aunt ❤

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