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Zoey POV
I was still in shock as I sat on my bed, I can't believe that shit happen yesterday I been trying to call and text Monique all last night and this morning she won't answer, nothing!! I really felt bad because I really like her I wanted to make things official for us, honestly I guess I didn't stop her because I wanted to see if there were still some feelings there for her, am I really done with her, was I really over this girl, to be honest idk if I'm over Jasmine if I was I wouldn't have let her get close to me nor almost fuck her man I don't know where my mind is, its all over the place and I have to work in like a hour, let me get up and get my day started.

I walked into the bathroom did my hygiene slid on a hoodie some black joggers and a red hat and started my day, I still couldn't get Monique off my mind this was supposed to be her last week since she leave next Friday for sweet heat, crazy part is I was going to surprise her while she was down there instead I sold my ticket and hotel room to King since her and a couple of her friends were going and she was last minute luckily I was leaving and coming back on the same days they were, I just don't wanna go anywhere anymore especially sweet heat since Monique was go be there I don't know how i would act if I seen females on her stud or fem cuz shorty bad and the things I did to her body man I know she go be a hot item

I pulled up to work and as I thought I don't see Monique car I shook my head and found a parking spot got out and walked up to the building, I walked in and seen King working the front desk

"They got you up here today?" I asked with a stale face

"Naw lol I'm just looking to see what's on my agenda today, and to my surprise I'm go have a pretty good day" King smirked

"Aw ok good well I gotta run I gotta clock in before I'm late" I said running up the stairs

I clocked in and went to my gym cube and to my surprise Monique was in there waiting on me I walked up to her and tried to hug her but she just pushed me away before I could say anything she cut me off

"I only came here to apologize for punching you yesterday it was out of line and out of character not saying you didn't deserve it its just my mom raised me better than that" she explained

"It's good you right I did deserve it and I understand why you punched me, I'm sorry for hurting you it wasn't supposed to happen that way I-" she cut me off kissing me I didn't hesitate to kiss her back we stood there for at least 10 minutes making out until she broke the kiss

"I think we should just be friends Zoey and end this, I appreciate your apology I just don't trust you and if I don't trust you I don't want you, it sucks cuz I really liked you but I promised myself I wasn't going to be someone I don't trust again sorry Zoe but I've made my decision" she said before hugging me again walking towards the door

"So just like that cuz of one mistake I lose my chance to be with you" I grabbed her arm so she could stop walking

"It's not just that I've been thru some shit in my life and I refuse to let someone put me thru the same shit I already been thru and me seeing you fuck yo ex in here made me lose a lot of respect and trust for you I was actually go ask to make it official until I seen that, I apologize I really do I just can't break that vow to myself" she said removing my hand from her arm "now can I leave I still have some last minute stuff to do before this trip"

"Yeah you good just know one thing, I'm not going away that easy" I stated before walking off "Looks like I'm going to sweet heat Miami after all" I smirked to myself

Monique POVI don't understand why I felt bad about punching Zoey but I did I was hurt and wanted her to feel how I felt I wanted her to hurt how she hurt me, I guess I felt bad cuz I really liked her I hate liking people cuz they always disappoint...

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Monique POV
I don't understand why I felt bad about punching Zoey but I did I was hurt and wanted her to feel how I felt I wanted her to hurt how she hurt me, I guess I felt bad cuz I really liked her I hate liking people cuz they always disappoint me maybe it wasn't meant, the sex was good just not mind blowing, plus I'm not all about sex in a relationship anyway, I'm old school I like going on dates, I still buy flowers, walk up to the door and get you instead of texting you to come out, I still open doors and pull out chairs, I can't help it I'm a hopeless romantic shit I'm a Scorpio, what's crazy is Zoey hasn't been on my mind lately it was King, the thought that she knew who I was and I didn't know nothing about her kind of scared me but at the same time it was appealing someone likes me and went thru the trouble of finding out who I am instead of asking me, it's something about her though I just can't put my finger on it I don't know if it's her thuggish ways or her pretty face but shorty do got my attention and she don't even know it, I'm more open now since I came to my senses I realize like studs and fems but studs more I feel like all this time I didn't know who I was or what I actually liked maybe that's why none of my relationship worked out, is it because I'm S4S and was just afraid of what people would say instead of living my life (shrugs) idk what I do know is I like King she is nice eye candy for me, I might join her boxing class just to get closer to her I don't even know where this crush came from all this time I was up on Zoey and probably didn't notice King I hope I run into her again just not while I got stuff going on

I got a few outfits to get for my trip then I'm all ready to go, I can't believe I will be in Miami in 2 days I can't wait I need this trip especially with all this shit going on with my feelings for Zoey and my new found crush King, I'm really torn between two females my mind wanna be with Zoey but my heart saying go for King I really don't know what to do at this point I'm lost I just wanna get away, get drunk, and fuck some fine foreign females.
Hey guys sorry this chapter is short, I promise to make up in the next update..

Thanks everyone that has read this book I really appreciate it, all of you motivate me to continue this story!!

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