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A lot has happened good and bad so far on this trip, I wonder how Monique doing after last nights event I'm concerned about her I need to know her thoughts on everything did she really mean to make me her girlfriend?? or was she doing that to piss Zoey off I really need answers I got out of bed did my hygiene slid on some basketball shorts, a tank top and some nike slides I grabbed my key, phones and walked out the door I proceeded down the hallway to her room I think it was 7330 O well I'm go knock on it anyway,


"Who is it" I hear Monique call out

"Your girlfriend" I replied with a smirk

Everything went silent for a min then she opened the door I walked in and closed the door behind me I turned around and she grabbed me wrapping her arms around my neck crashing her lips against mine

"Hey baby" she said after pulling from the kiss

"I thought you didn't mean that last night after the incident I didn't hear from you" I said still holding her waist

"I know I'm sorry baby I was drunk and high out my mind I remember what I said I just had to make sure I really meant it"

"And??" I replied anxiously

"I meant every word!! I got feelings for you King and wanna give us a try" she said kissing me again

"Thanks God!! Finally after all this time your mine" I said picking her up spinning her around

"OMG King put me downnnnnnnnnn"she screamed

"Ok ok you win look I got something special planned for you go get dress and I'm go text you where to meet me but first here I want you to wear my chain, it's kind of a thing I do if I really like you I want you to have something special of mine" I lied its not a thing I do it's just I got a bad vibe and put a tracking device in the charm

"Ok baby I will never take it off" she said hugging me

We decided to kiss one last time then I left her room and returned to mine I quickly took a shower and changed clothes I wanted to take her to one of the finest restaurants in Miami, I called Prime 112 and made the reservations, I wanted make her smile all night I wanted this night to be the best she has ever had so after I texted her the address and time I left my room and headed to the flower shop, I walked in the lobby and seen Lee and Que they were leaving a day earlier than me due to the fact that I bought my ticket from the bitch ass nigga Zoey luckily I did or else I wouldn't be spending my last day with my baby,

"Make sure y'all have a safe trip back" I said walking up to both of them

"We will just make sure you be safe knowing that crazy bitch still around here, you know if you need us we coming" Que said giving me a bro hug

"Will do, and make sure you keep ya girl safe too I got a bad feeling I can't put my finger on it but just keep ya guard up aite!!!" Lee said sternly

"Yoo I been having the same feeling if it wasn't for this date and Monique leaving tomorrow we both would be gone"

We said our last goodbye and parted ways I caught a cab to the flower shop went in and grabbed a dozen of roses 6 white and 6 red, since the restaurant wasn't that far I just walked the rest of the way I sat outside for a min before walking in, I pulled my phone out my pocket and seen it was now 8:30pm I told Monique to meet me here at 9pm I waited 15 mins more then went in I had to make sure we didn't lose our reservations, I sat at the table and waited and waited and waited, I called her phone over 20 times no answer I texted her no response I got pissed off and left on my way to the hotel I seen this a black van speed past me and almost hit me but I dodged it I jumped up and flicked the van off and continue to walk to my hotel, I walked to elevator and went to our floor as I got to the floor I started to feel nervous and pissed off all at the same time I walked toward her room when I got there her door was halfway open I walked in to see if I seen her but just as I suspected she was missing her room was trashed like there was a fight I grabbed all her personal things I thought was important and ran out the room I ran to my room grabbed my bags and rushed to the airport as I was in the cab my phone vibrates, I pull out my phone and open the message from an unknown number

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