t w e n t y

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this is texts

Allison ; GUYS

Scott ; what now

Lydia ; WHAT

Isaac ; I'm tired wtf are u guys on about now

Stiles ; I've been awake all night

Allison ; so I was supposed to hang with Gwen today bc she's been isolated and I wALKED IN ON SOMETHINF

stiles ; is she okay

Lydia ; ^

Scott ; ^

Isaac ; ^

Allison ; I think she's better than okay

Allison ;

 Lydia ; oH MY GOD

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Lydia ; oH MY GOD

Isaac ; lol

stiles ; seriously?

Lydia ; get over yourselves

Allison ; yes actually get the hell over it

Isaac ; does she not remember that he almost killed her?

Gwen ; maybe you forgot I'm in here

Gwen ; and the way I remember it is that you used me as bait, Isaac, so try to climb over your massive fucking ego

Isaac ; he's gonna hurt you

Gwen ; yeah, you sure like to make sure of that, don't you?

Stiles ; oooooooh shit

stiles ; shits going down

Scott ; stop fighting

Isaac ; I was protecting you

Gwen ; me and you must have a different definition of protection because mine is not getting me hurt?

Isaac ; stop being such a fucking bitch

Gwen ; try a little harder and maybe you'll actually hurt my feelings

Isaac ; I'm not the one in the wrong here

Gwen ; you sure about that?

Isaac ; seriously?

Stiles ; this is so entertaining

Isaac ; don't come crying to me when he hurts you because right now you fucking deserve it the most

Stiles ; and there goes the fun

Gwen ; trust me, you're my last choice for comfort.

Gwen ; fuck you

Gwen has left the group message!

Lydia ; you're a real jerk, Isaac

Lydia has left the group message!

Allison ; sorry but I second that, it was pretty harsh

Allison has left the group message!

Stiles ; you fucked up

Scott ; true that

Messages between Gwen and Allison

Allison ; are you okay

Gwen ; yeah.

Allison ; u used punctuation

Gwen ; so

Allison ; that means you're not okay

Gwen ; you're literally downstairs

Allison ; I'm looking for food

Allison ; and you're still curled up with Jackson

Gwen ; don't remind me

Gwen ; he has a death grip on me

Gwen ; and I'm starving

Allison ; but are you okay

Gwen ; I don't know

Gwen ; I should be

Allison ; Isaac is a jealous asshole, just don't take it to heart

Gwen ; thank you

Allison ; for what

Gwen ; for being my friend

Allison ; please kick Jackson out bc I just wanna watch movies with you and cry

Gwen ; gladly

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