Chapter 11

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*Sienna's POV*

I was slowly regaining my strength, but I still couldn't believe any of the events that happened lately. How was that even possible? A few days ago I was just a normal girl, my only worries were getting good grades in order to get a nice job later on.

And now? We were pulled into the shadow world, Jocelyn was kidnapped and I found out that I was a shadowhunter with some kind of special abilities.

My mind was still racing so I decided to get up and go to the training room. The hallways were empty, only very few people were working on the huge monitors when I passed them.

I went over to the weapon rack, pulling out a few daggers. Izzy and Jace taught me a bit of knife throwing a few days ago, maybe I was able to improve a bit by myself.

Positioning my body a few feet away from the target, I put one of the daggers in my right hand and pulled it back, releasing the dagger with as much force as possible. It didn't hit the center but at least lodged in the target. I was about to draw the next knife, when I heard footsteps behind me.

"Not bad. When did you learn this?" I turned around to find Clary standing at the entrance of the room.

"Uh Jace and Izzy taught me how to use some of the weapons a few days ago." I replied.

"Nice." She smiled. "Why are you up anyways? It's quite late."

"I couldn't sleep, all the events lately are slowly driving me crazy."

"Yeah me too. And now my memories are gone since I had to kill that demon, my only hope on finding my mom is gone." She looked tired and devastated. "How are we supposed to find this damn cup now?"

"Clary, we will find it and your mom. I don't know how, but we certainly will."

"I hope so. I don't want any more people getting killed because of me. Wait a minute. Do you remember the small box mom cried over every year? The one with the initials J.C.?"

"Yeah I do, but why J.C.? Your father is Valentine." She nodded and obviously had an idea.

"But whatever was in the box still meant a lot her. Maybe we should go back to the loft and find it, there could be something helpful in it. Let's go!" Her sudden mood swing was surprising, she was now full of energy and eager to find this box.

"Now? I don't think this is a good idea. We're unarmed, what if somebody or something attacks us? Tell the others about it in the morning, they'll know what to do."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Her smile faded and she shook her head. "That was a stupid idea, I'm sorry. Uhm well I'll go to sleep now.. Good Night."

"Good night." I replied and she instantly left the room. There might be something helpful in the box, but it was way too dangerous to go out alone, especially now.


The next morning I was woken up by Clary's voice, yelling at Alec as she was running after him. I quickly decided to go after them to find out what was bothering them now.

When I found them, Alec was glaring down at Clary who looked furious, narrowing her eyes.

"Whatever. Leave it there." He told Clary before pushing past her. I gave him a questioning look, but he just shrugged in reply, gesturing me to follow him. Clary currently had a heated conversation with Jace, so I just followed Alec.

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